Chapter 7

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M...mafia...y/n repeated the same thing while her eyes widen in shock....

Y/n still in thoughts but soon got cut off..

Jackson cleard his throat loudly and said

U should leave now!!

Oh yeah, I'll leave y/n said and move out of the place, but she saw Eun is still waiting...she ran towards his car and was about to say something but he started first...

I know what you're about to say... I was really stressed out so I didn't leave...

Ohh...she just said that and took her seat in the car...

Let's goo then

Y/n said and Eun was about start the car, but he saw y/n is in a bad mood...

So he asked... everything alright?
He said while poking me in the shoulder...and there I responded,

Ohh nothing special let's goo home...y/n replied

Y/n I - Eun got cut off by his phone..


Linyi🥸: Where are you? Already left*?

Eun: about too

Linyi🥸: Let's go for a drink, I even wanted to discuss something..

Then Eun raised his head and looked towards y/n and she was staring into her cell phone.

Should I leave her alone today.. Eun thought in his mind, then immediately shaked his head and said no-no-no I can't not for today..

Then I got an idea and looked back towards my bright screen and replied

Eun: Meet me here in 30 mins (while sharing a address)

As Eun share the address he was smirked like a madman..

Linyi 🥸: Whose place is this? Can't we meet at a bar...

Eun: It's y/n's house address I can't leave her today alone, she is a bit upset.

Linyi🥸: What - are you kidding me her-her address

Eun: Stop acting like u don't like it I know you must be smirking there...

Linyi🥸: (seen)

Eun slid his phone into his pocket and started the car engine...

While saying...let's buy some snacks before going home, we will do a night party...

She hummed in response....

Linyi pov:

Eun☠️: Stop acting like u didn't like it I know you must be smirking there...

Aaashhh this boy he knows me well, hahah.... I said with a smirk plastered on my face.

Now I'm really excited to meet her again today... should I bring alcohol with me.... hmm great idea we can drink again.

Again-again no-no, I mean just drinking alcohol? What if she kisses me after drinking??

Yaahhh Linyi stop thinking nonsense...don't act like a pervert.... you maybe handsome, rich mafia, but if you really need her to love you need to stay normal with her.

And started my car engine while thinking it's good I am not that far from her place...

After driving for a couple of minutes I finally saw a convenience store so I thought let me get some drinks

I got out of my car and walked into the shop and brought a few bottles of soju, vodka, and the beer's as I paid the bill I exited and entered my car and started my car engine again.

Soon I was at the address that Eun shared with me, but no one was there, so I thought let me wait for them

Linyi was waiting for them and thought let's me look around...

Well y/n really stays in a shabby house but this place is really nice

I really want to spend time with her I-....someone cut me

Linyiiii... yaahh are you stalking me now??

I turned around and saw y/n is watching me with a confused-irritated face

There was a huge silence but soon Eun broke it with a fake cough...

Y/nie I asked him to come her....

Whyiee? Y/n asked back immediately now her irritated face turned into an angry one...

Eun cleared his throat before answering....well he wants to discuss something with me but I thought it would be a bad idea to leave you alone today so I asked him to come he-- y/n cut him off

Why? is there is a problem to leave me alone...

Yaah y/n stop your fuckking act I can read your face easily your mood is literally down...

Well as linyi is here too, let's have a night party together I even brought drinks and snacks....


Bro even I brought some...linyi replied

Well that's great lets us drink tonight and forget about bad things

No-no I am not allowing him in my house discuss your shits out side...y/n said coldly

Let's go in Lin...eun said

Yaahh I said noo...y/n replied back immediately

Well did I ever listen to you ever? No right.... because I know you will be alright later....let's goo in mf..

And there y/n sigh loudly and murmured fuck off while following then behind....


Hello guys i hope you all will like this part...

And if anybody is new here you all can also read my others works....

Helping hands (P.R):ace_bibliolater

Thanku for reading.....


Info: This story is just my imagination

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