Chapter 14

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Her head started bleeding as she got unconscious unable to bear the pain.

Jaehyun rummaged through his jacket trying to find the microphone when he felt a piece of paper near his hand.

He took out the paper catching everybody's attention.

"It is from Y/n. I will read it." He announced.

My Dear Friends and Brother,
I am going away....far away. I wanted to bite you, eat you. I was hungry. I don't want to harm you all by staying by your side. Don't cry or try to find me or I will haunt you for life. Just remember that you have to stay alive no matter what. Each one of you has to live on. I hope to meet you again someday so that we can sit around a fire all together and share few joyful moments.
Love you all~
Stay alive !
Your Y/n

Everybody broke down reading the letter as Jaehyun sobbed cursing at his stubborn sister. He took out the microphone and said coldly,

"I wouldn't have lost my sister if you took us from this hell hole. I am never going to spare you for what you did, you selfish woman ! Even though you didn't love her or treat her as your daughter, couldn't you give us a bit mercy and saved us on time ! If I die right here it is going to be your fault Step-mom !!! I feel ashamed to even call you my mom ! Fuck off we don't need you !!"

Everybody widened their eyes at the disclosed information. They didn't know that Mrs Jung was their step-mom. Jaehyun was bombered with multiple questions as he sighed before telling them,

"I will tell you some other time. Lets get out of here first. The zombies in the ground seem confused. Either we die trying to save ourselves or we die of hunger."

"I am scared. We are not going anywhere !" Onjo and Hyo-ryung denied the idea.

"Lets just go girls. We must survive. If the zombies come after us I will lure them away towards the ground." Cheongsan said receiving a kick at the back of his knee from Onjo.

"You are not going to do that, you douche bag !!" Gyeong-su and Suhyeok shouted together hitting the back of his head.

Finally after a long argument and persuasion they agreed on escaping from the zombieland and find a safe place.

"We can pass through the Gymnasium and go to the tennis court. Then we can pass and go to the construction building and Climb the mountain to go to Yangdong. We may find military there." Hari said as everybody agreed on going.

"Lets make groups so that no one is left behind." Namra suggested.

Namra and Joon-young
Suhyeok and Jaehyun
Cheongsan and Onjo
Wu-jin and Hari
Nayeon and Hyo-ryung
Mi-jin and Gyeong-su
Dae-su was alone.

They opened the door to the rooftop and started exiting their safe space holding onto some makeshift weapons made by Y/n and Hari.

Y/n woke up after sometime and looked outside the window. She saw the rain falling and thundering as she put her headphones in her ears which she had brought from her bag in her locker.

She went to the staff room and got a phone. She recognised it as Suhyeok's and opened the music player. She connected the headphones to the phone and walked through the school hallways listening to some music and trying to avoid the deafening thunder.

She looked around trying to find Gwi-nam and finish him off.

Cheongsan led the way with Suhyeok behind the group as they were the best fighters of their group.

They got out of the school building safely with most of them tumbling due to the wet floor and blood.

They stopped as they saw zombies roaming around the school ground and near the entrance of the building.

"Lets go along the wall !" Namra whispered as they passed the message to each other.

They agreed and started going along the wall. Cheongsan found a truck crashed at the wall of the building.

He got down the truck and crossed it going to the other side of the building. He stopped in his tracks as he saw Onjo sobbing while staring at someone.....I-sak.

Everybody stood there numb trying to process the scene unfolding infront of them. Onjo started sobbing loudly as the zombiefied I-sak charged towards her staring at her as if she was her last meal.

Cheongsan quickly ran and hit the zombie girl repeatedly trying to save the group. Onjo ran to him and started hitting his shoulders while shouting at him.

"Leave her you fucking bastard ! Stop it !!!"

Hari pulled her back as she continued shouting.

"Leave me ! Cheongsan stop you fucker !!"

Her wailing attracted the zombies as they started running towards them.

"Lets go ! They are coming here !" Namra shouted alarmingly.

Cheongsan left a limping zombiefied I-sak and ran towards Onjo holding her tightly. They ran together towards the Gymnasium.

They all were running as Cheongsan and Onjo were the ahead of everyone and Nayeon and Hyo-ryung were at the last far away from them.

Hyo-ryung fell as Nayeon looked back. She saw the zombies charging towards them at a high speed. She quickly bent down picking up the fallen girl.

She shouted trying to motivate the broken girl, "Fuck ! Hyo-ryung get up ! Come on ! They are nearing !"

Hyo-ryung got up and shouted, "Nayeon behind you !!!"

A zombie charged at Nayeon tackling her to the ground. It brought it's head near her neck ready to take a bite from the scared girl's flesh when it was forcefully removed by someone.

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