Chapter 5

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"You are a murderer"

Cheongsan muttered through his gritted teeth as Suhyeok and Dae-su picked him up seperating him from Nayeon.

"I don't have any friends and I don't need any of you ! Fuck you !"

Nayeon screamed sobbing and left the Broadcasting room in a hurry closing the door behind her.

Wu-jin ran behind her about to open the door but Ms Park held him.

"Everybody listen to me carefully. Stay alive....okay ? Also you must not take a life because life becomes meaningless. Take care of eachother okay ?"

She spoke contain her tears and ran to save Nayeon from the bloodthirsty monsters.

Everybody fell silent as only Gyeong-su's painfilled sobs were heard in the room. They had lost their favourite teacher.

They sat in silence for sometime when Cheongsan spoke up,

"I didn't hear anything."

"What do you mean ?" Hyo-ryung asked.

"After Ms Park left, I couldn't hear anything." He stated.

"You mean screaming ?" Wu-jin asked.

"Yeah" Suhyeok replied.

"Honestly, I was scared to hear their painful screams after they left." Hyo-ryung spoke shaking a little.

"Maybe they are alive." Dae-su stated.

Silence fell upon. It was a stinging silence as tension filled up the air.

Ji-min broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Does she deserve to live ?"

"What do you mean ?" Hyo-ryung asked.

"She was so selfish and thought of herself as the superior. She tried to kill Gyeong-su just to prove her point. She went out on her own. Do she really deserve our sympathy ? Does she even deserve to live ?" Ji-min questioned.

"What about Ms Park ? Should she die too ?" Wu-jin asked.

"Ms Park went after her according to her own will. We didn't force her."

"Still we are responsible for it..."

Wu-jin replied back immediately.

"I don't think we are responsible for what happened with Nayeon and Ms Park. Nayeon tried to kill somebody and left on her own. Ms Park went after her on her own. We cannot blame ourselves for what she did. Lets end this conversation here and sleep. We all are tired from all the running and mess going around us." Y/n spoke ending the meaningless conversation.

Everybody soon slept exhausted but Y/n couldn't sleep. She looked outside the window to see helicopters flying. She sighed before standing up slowly not wanting to disturb others.

She removed her hoodie feeling too hot exposing her school shirt. She looked at herself and saw crimson stains on her legs, shirt and skirt.

She moved her gaze to the sleeping students still safe from those blood thirsty monsters before looking at her hands.

She was thinking about her mother and the conversation they had a while ago.


"Nobody is out there. Look at the city. There are no lights. Most of them have died or fled. No one is coming to save us." Namra stated with a straight face.

"Why are you so hopeless ?" Onjo asked.

"It's just know my and Y/n's mother. They would have torn the school apart looking for us but they are not here yet." Namra said.


She sighed again as tears fell from her beautiful hazel eyes. She looked at the moon admiring it's beautiful. She looked down at the hungry monsters that roamed their bloodied school ground.

This school ground was filled with joyful students laughing around and teasing each other. The colourful and fragrant flowers enhanced the beautiful of the high school. It was just yesterday. She was so excited to come to school just to meet her friends and her favourite teacher.

More tears fell down her rosy cheeks. Her silent cries turned into sobs. She looked behind and saw everyone sleeping peacefully as if the apocalypse never happened.

She left the room through the window to have some space and not to disturb the others. She looked at the metal pipe running next to the broadcasting room.

She held the pipe tightly and started climbing it looking for a zombie free and clean room.

She climb for a while checking all the rooms. After what felt like hours although it was only minutes, she came across a zombie free room which she identified as the detention room.

She quietly went into the room through the shattered window and sat down in silence. She sobbed for a while and slept without herself knowing.

Namra woke up first followed by Cheongsan and Onjo. They greeted each other as Namra looked around for Y/n. A confused frown grew upon her beautiful face not finding her best friend in the room.

She stood up and went to their diy bathroom aka the recording room and looked in it in hope to find Y/n but to no avail.

Tears filled her eyes as she hurried to wake up everyone.

"WAKE UP EVERYONE !" She shouted.

Suhyeok woke up and looked around for Y/n but couldn't spot her anywhere.

"Where is Y/n Namra ?"

"I don't know ! I am not able to find her !" She worriedly shouted.

Everybody panicked trying to find the lost girl.

Y/n woke up with sounds of banging on the doors. She looked at the door and saw many zombies on the door and windows.

She quickly stood up and ran to the shattered window. Her blood ran cold upon seeing the hoard of zombies roaming in the school ground.

She looked at her hands and saw them extremely sweat. She didn't want to go by the pipe. It was too dangerous for her.

She cursed herself in her mind for being too stubborn and not thinking well before leaving the safe place and her friends.

Her friends........they must be worried for her.

Shit !! fuck me !

She thought and looked back and forth from the shattered window to the door.

She sighed deeply getting ready to leave the room through the door. As she was about to run to the door, a squeaky sound filled her ears almost deafning her.

She saw the zombies run to the speakers. She ran to the door about to open it but she heard her best friend's voice.

"Y/n where are you ? Are you stupid ? Why did you leave us alone ? We are so worried. Stay safe. We will meet you at your favourite place." Namra said.

My favourite place ? Rooftop ?

She sighed ready to run again when she heard music playing through the speakers. She saw the zombies distracted.

She quickly took her phone which she had in her pocket. She opened the door and ran into the corridor. She had to go four floors up as she was at the 1st floor.

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