Chapter 16

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An idea struck his brilliant mind.

"Guys ! I got an idea to escape !" He exclaimed.

"What idea ?" Mi-jin asked.

"We can find some ropes and other things. We can tie these carts together in a circle so that they can work as a sheild. We will be in the circle of carts. We will push the cart from inside and reach the door."

"Seems risky !!! What if anybody died ?" Wu-jin exclaimed.

"Nothing will happen. I will stay outside the cart and pull off the zombies. You all can push the carts. I will protect you from outside." Y/n said emotionlessly.

"No you are not gonna do that !" Hee-su said holding onto the baby.

"The zombies won't attack me but you can be attacked so Hut up and do as I say." Y/n shutted the girl.

"By the way, how did this baby come to you ?" Dae-su asked Hee-su.

"Well I was about to leave the school because I was not feeling well. I had fever and nausea that day. I was just outside the school when a woman ran to me. She handed me her baby and told me to protect it from these blood thirsty monsters as she distracted them. I took the baby and ran in here." Hee-su explained her situation.

"Ohh" Dae-su exclaimed.

"What about the baby's food and all ?" Wu-jin asked again.

"Her mother gave me her essential bag containing her milk, diapers and extra clothes." She said.

"What is her name and how old is she ?" Hyo-ryung asked.

"Her name is Kim Hyein and she is 6 months old." Hee-su answered.

Everybody smiled at the sleeping baby in Hee-su's arms. Y/n took off her school shirt leaving her in her black tank top. She went to Hee-su and tied the baby to her chest with the shirt.

She turned around to see the boys stunned (except Jaehyun) and Jaehyun, Hari, Mi-jin and Namra glaring at her.

"What ?!" She asked.

"You will catch a cold !" They shouted together.

"Well I don't feel cold. You know zombie senses." Y/n explained.

"Lets start with our plan !!" Joon-young said trying to cheer up the group.

They were tying the carts with a few plastic wires that Y/n found in the supply room. But an argument broke out between Jaehyun and Mi-jin.

"Lets make them short !" Mi-jin shouted.

"No ! We have to make them tall !" Jaehyun shouted back.

"I am trying to survive right here ! Make them short and covered from the top !" Mi-jin fought back.

"We are also trying to survive ! We have to make them high. I have seen many zombies, they cannot climb. They don't have enough intelligence." Joon-young tried to calm the situation.

"Shut up you moron !" Mi-jin shouted angrily.

"What did you call me ?!?" Joon-young screamed.

"Guys don't fight ! We are going together !" Suhyeok interwined.

"You are coming with us !" Mi-jin again argued.

"Joon-young don't fight. We are not going to leave the seniors right. And Noona don't fight we are going together. Lets co-operate." Cheongsan tried to handle the situation.

"Shut up !" Mi-jin screamed again.

Y/n rattled the carts loudly irritated by the behaviour of the students. They looked at her as she and Namra stood together.

"Lets vote !" Namra said intimidatingly.

"Who are you ?!" Mi-jin asked uninterested.

"The Class President" Namra said confidently.

Y/n smiled at her best friend. She then spoke,

"Okay so....Who agrees that we should make the wall high ?"

"10 votes" Namra counted.

"Who wants the walls low and closed from top ?"

"3 votes" Namra counted again.

"So the walls are going to be high. Now.....together ?"

"13 votes" Namra counted.

"So it is decided. We are going to go together and make the walls high." Y/n announced.

"If we die I am not responsible. I already warned you !" Mi-jin pouted.

"Don't worry I will take the responsibility." Y/n said patting the senior's back.

They soon prepared the cart as Y/n instructed before opening the door.

"I will go first and distract them away from the door. Suhyeok and Jaehyun take out the cart and quickly roll it taking everybody in. Tie it tightly. Alright ?"

"Yes Mam !" Everybody saluted as Y/n just chuckled at their childish behaviour.

Y/n slowly opened the door and went out with a metal bat in her hand. She went to the other side of the Gymnasium and banged the metal bat on the wall creating a loud screeching noise.

The zombies ran to her direction as she started hitting them with the bat smashing their brains out of their skull.

"Suhyeok, Jaehyun out now !" She screamed on top of her lungs.

The door opened as they pulled out their sheild making a loud rattling noise. Y/n cursed herself in her mind and quickly started shouting before the zombies could run to their direction.

"Come here you motherfuckers ! I will fucking kill you !!!"

She looked over and saw everyone inside the round sheild as zombies barged to them. She quickly ran and started pulling the zombies off and killing them by breaking their necks.

"Push you morons ! What the fuck are you doing ?!" She shouted.

They pushed harder as the cart started moving slowly. Y/n removed as many zombies as she could before she heard a scream. She stopped her work and saw a zombie about to bite Hee-su.

She quickly ran and pulled the zombie away from the cart and killing it. She then asked her still outside the sheild.

"You fine Hee-su ??"

"Yeah !"

"What about the baby ??"

"She is fine just crying !"

"Okay ! Stay away from the boundary."

"Okay !"

Y/n ran to the other side as she saw the ties break. The carts were now seperating. Y/n cursed in her mind and shouted.

"Someone help we with these ! The ties are broken !"

Suhyeok and Gyeong-su quickly ran over to her and held the carts close together. Cheongsan soon followed them as Nayeon and Hee-su stood in between the carts scared for their life.

Y/n ran to the other side and saw the zombies starting to climb over. She removed them and then broke their necks. She then pushed the cart from outside.

They soon reached the door as Wu-jin and Jaehyun opened the ties to help them opened the door and get out.

"It is locked !!!!" Jaehyun screamed in frustration.

Y/n looked at him and shouted back.

"Try breaking the door !"

"It is not opening !!" Onjo again shouted.

Jaehyun and Onjo started banging on the door from their shoulders trying to break the lock but to no avail as the door didn't even budge.

Wu-jin pushed Onjo out of the door before running at it ready to hit it again but the door was opened by someone.

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