"Whoa.. easy Tiger! Nothing serious. Just some fun." His hands released Jimin, but his body came closer to his, almost pressing him to the wall.

Jimin could feel the heat Abe's skin was emitting and his scent. Rich Tabasco, gunpowder and a well known perfume.
He recognized the smell. It was Baccarat Rouge.

He also loved it, but didn't want to spend such a fortune for a small bottle of perfume. Then, reality sudden hit him. He also felt the same scent on Xie. Yes. When they slept together.

Out of the sudden, Jimin grabbed the ring he liked and pressed his hips forward. Abe anticipated his movements and he also lowered his hips, which made them collide. Jimin got shivers down his spine, feeling Abe's length on his own crotch.

"I can be aggressive, or maybe I can fuck you slowly. You just need to say how you like it. And if you want it. No pressure here.." but Abe grabbed Jimin's ass and just lifted him up with one hand, which made Jimin wrap his legs around his waist.

Jimin felt how his stomach was reaching up. They way Abe's touch made his whole body shiver. What was happening to him? He never said he is straight or gay, but it was the first time a man made him feel so jelly.

"Uhh but I never.." he tried to hide his scared expression.
"Never got fucked? Hmm, that's a shame. But you don't need to. Look at me. Don't be scared." He slowly glanced at Abe, meeting his blue eyes. They were calm and honest.
"I mean.. I'm tempted to try but.. what if? It's not?"

"Shhhh. You don't need to explain yourself. I got it. But we can still have some fun, if you're up to. I just won't.. reach there!" And Abe grabbed Jimin's ass, spreading his butt cheeks.
This made Jimin grab Abe's hair and kiss him.

"Fuck it! I don't give a damn right now!
I grabbed his hair and licked his lips. He smirked and opened his mouth. Letting me explore its inside, his tongue didn't even move.
When I bit his upper lip, I could feel one hand squeezing my ass, and the second one holding my nape.

Fuck, he is so damn big! His body, but also his dick! I don't know if he is fully erect or not, but I feel it pressing on my thight.
He kissed me hungrily, still soft but pressing his lips and sucking my tongue. He explored my whole mouth, making me moan."

"Tiger, let's just go to my room. Or we can stay here. I don't give a shit if someone sees me. But what about you?"

"I nodded softly. He didn't break the holding and a few rooms further, I got inside a big and dark room. The smell was the same as his perfume. He didn't release me, just placed me on the beg, towering over me."

"Now. Tell me what you're up to and how far you can go. If you want to stop, just tell me so. I don't want you to endure something you don't like. Don't be afraid. I will not harm you. I want my partners to enjoy their time and I never forced myself on someone. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I will. For now, I can tell you I enjoyed it. I removed my pants, and I caught him staring at my bulge. He was smiling. My heart just fluttered.
By the way, my name is Jimin, not tiger."

"I know. Mine is Abe. In case you need it."
He didn't even give me time to reply and he removed his top and pants. Now it was my time to stare. Good thing I didn't say I'm ok with everything. Cause I would be killed if that entered inside me!
Can he even sleep with someone, with that size? What is that?"

"Got scared of this? " Abe was smirking.
He took his cock out of his briefs and in a moment, mine was also out. He rubbed them both with his big hand. Damn, it felt so good."

"Don't worry. It won't kill you. Maybe just break you!" He laughed and leaned more on me, which made our dicks press and my body just got lost into the fluffy mattress.

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