Chapter 6: Through the Metro?

Start from the beginning

"That does make it look weird.... doesn't it?"

"But money is the currency of the world, you can earn it by making a business, turf wars and more... of course there are darker means of obtaining money but I don't want you to do that."

"Could I just get money from Marina or agent 1 or even agent 2?"

"You could... but I hope you'd eventually pay them back because it is kinda rude to ask for money and get said money but never pay back their kindness"

"Ok, which one do you think will be the best option?"

"Marina, she is an octoling herself and agent 1 and 2 are kinda anti-octoling... and forgot to mention, I get your memories or at least knowledge of memories and creatures which helps me assist you."

I begin to head back to inkopolis

"Oh yeah, did you know what those weird things behind that box was?" I ask Sakuya

"I do believe they are called 'thangs' and I am unsure what they exactly are other than parts to something but I do not believe it is something to be concerned about."

"Weird... the big black part of it looked like the bottom of a blender..."

"Eh, doubt it, that would be ridiculous to have a blender that big"

I go to the studio Marina pulled me into and look for her

I call out to Marina, "Marina? Marina I require assistance"

It's silent... too silent... 

I began to look around for Marina but no sight of them...

I heard someone scream out something... I think it was inkling...

I went towards the sound and I found some sort of secret room

I went into the room and found Marina and some other inkling...

"Um hey Marina, I require 'money' to get a ticket for the metro... could I borrow some?"

"Oh um... sure, here, that should cover any fees until you get to your desired location" Marina said as she gives me 500000 coins

The short inkling started to speak to Marina but they were speaking inkling...

"She said 'Oi Marina, who is this and why did you give them money?'" Sakuya answered

oh Sakuya can understand inkling but how?

"I know plenty of languages, if you are in need of translation, I shall assist" Sakuya answered once again

"thanks for the help Marina, how should I repay your kindness?" I said to Marina

"No need, we make that so easily with our job but I guess you could get a phone so we can communicate." Marina replied

The short inkling looked very confused

I left the studio waving goodbye and then headed towards the metro

I bought a ticket then went to the central station

Waiting for the train to arrive took a while... but the "thangs" appear to make a big blender

The glass in the ceiling is broken... wait why is there glass when we are underground...


The train arrived and I handed the sea cucumber the ticket and he let me on the train where I waited to arrive at splatsville 

Splatsville here we come!

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