••• 13 - Friends? •••

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"Woah!! That's crazy dude! You slay it!" And he suddenly panics mixed with shyness and embarrassment.

It was a woman with a brown-long-curled hair tied ponytail. She was wearing an addidas pants and grey lose long sleeve. Suno was sure that she was in 173cm tall.

He doesn't know the new face looking at him. He quickly go to the tiny table and turn off the music. The newcomer watch he was doing and got a little confused.

"Hey, why did you turn it off? You're good." And because Suno was so polite and kind, he bows and gave a smile, a tense one even though he was worried that that person can be a fan or worse it was sasaeng. He wasn't wearing his mask and cap.

"I'm sorry to ask but do you know me?" He asked but the woman vawes her hand,

"No no, I'm regular here and I just approach people shamelessly here. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." She said in guilty that she butt in his business. "Woah, that's relief," Suno was relieved that she wasn't like what he thought. He smiled warmly at her.

"It's okay. I'm just surprised." He said. The woman walk near him and look at him in concern.

"Are you traumatized or something? Or did someone bullied you before?" Suno thought it's not bad to reveal his identity since she doesn't know him. And for being cautious too.

"Um... Actually... I'm an idol. And I never got bullied hehe." He spoke  not so sure to reveal his image, but couldn't just make a story to lie. He can't stand lying.

"Ow that's cool. Okay I don't know about artist or idols that much so no worries. You're safe with me." She smile friendly and playfully raised her right hand to make him trust her.

"Thank you." He responds.

"Anyway, it wasn't surprising if you're an artist, you know." She spoke that made Suno a questionable face. And because she's someone silly, she brought her face closer to Suno which confused the other.

"I mean, you're so pretty." She stares at him magically which made Suno feels nervous at some point.

"Look at that doe eyes, with high bridge nose, and that warm pretty lips." Her eyes never left his face while Suno can clearly see the way her eyes move.

His heart began beating slow yet hard because the close gap she was making. It's his first time to get close to a woman like this. It is getting awkward for him but she wasn't feeling the same at all. Her face showing an amazed expression.

He was also amazed because, he usually blubbery person but he couldn't speak this time in front of this stranger woman. He can see himself being talkative in her, like he was talking to himself. 'So this is what I am when I talk too much. It's funny.'

"Umm..." Suno started to distance himself from her, but she cuts him,

"Did you use contact lenses?" She suddenly asked and step back to face Suno properly. Suno smile shaking his head.

"It's my eyes' natural color." He proudly state. He just love when someone noticed his eyes' uniqueness.

She gasps. "You're lying," She responded in shock with smile of amusement. Suno chuckles at her expression.

"It's real." He states now standing comfortably.

"I mean...." Still in awe.

"Would you like to touch it?" He jokingly asked as he chuckled.


When the SUN turned DARK - Kim SunoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon