••• 17 - Surprise •••

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Niki open the door and went in shutting the door behind him.

He took off his shoes and walk to the living room. He went home alone since they have their each schedule.

His eyes was heavy and just wanna lie down on his bed.

In his peripherals view, he saw Jay was already home, sitting on the couch with his elbow on his both knees, obviously playing in his phone.

"Jay hyung, is there anything we can eat?" He tiredly asked without looking at him.

"Oh Niki, you're home!"

The one sitting beams but Niki was shocked to hear that voice. The voice he had been missing these past few days.

His sleepy tired eyes widen as he face that person.

"Holy crap!" He accidentally muttered that made the latter laughs at his sudden cute curse.

He may be too tall but he's still cute to his eyes.

"SUNO HYUNG!!!" He rushes to Suno and hug him tight that making Suno struggles to breathe.

"I know you miss me Niki but please I still wanted to live." Suno jokingly said that makes Niki realize he was chocking his hyung.

He chuckled and pulled off.

"Sorry hyung, but when did you came home? You didn't even text me or our hyung," He pout a little.

"Tsk, don't you know to surprise people?" Suno grinned that his plan work on Niki.

"Eyyy," He reach Niki for high five for his success and Niki response but just didn't let go Suno's hand and playfully swing it a bit in excitement.

"Are you hungry? I'll make you food so we can eat." Suno concernedly asked since Niki asked awhile awhile ago and Suno remember something.

"You mistaken me Jay hyung," Suno said while they are heading to the kitchen.

Niki was tailing behind him.

"I wasn't looking at you at all. Jay hyung was wearing white shirt with black jeans just like your outfit plus your black hair. And honestly the way you're sitting so I mistaken you as Jay hyung." He explains that made Suno laughs.

Niki helps him prepare their food. "How are you Suno hyung?"

"Oh, already good so no worries."

"That's good to hear hyung." Niki said thankfully that he's already fine.

"Anyway, are they going home late?" Suno asked so they can prepare just ramen.

"Our schedule is not that tight so they might get home early." He answered doing the soups.

"That's good then." He said then open some ramen more in addition.

"I really did miss you guys while I'm away." He said can't help but pout while pouring some water. Niki chuckles,

"Believe me hyung, there's no day we aren't uttering your name, especially Sunghoon hyung." He said in sad remembering those sad days.

"Aww that was so sweet."

They continually chatting as Sunghoon and Heeseung arrived at their dorm when Sunghoon suddenly stop from walking when he heard a familiar voice and looks at Heeseung in disbelief.

"What?" Not paying attention to the noise coming from their kitchen,

"Suno," Sunghoon muttered as he quickly dashes where the voices coming from

and there he saw two people chatting while facing each other eating.

He saw the person he had been missing since the beginning of his hiatus.

That warm smile,

that wide sparkly eyes

and that face he had,

he missed them all.

Suno's eyes surprisingly shift to the person on the door frame, "Oh, Sunghoon hyung!" He stood from his seat and Niki looks where he was looking.

"Aww our sunshine is here!" Sunghoon cheers as he approaches the younger and gave him a big hug just like tight as Niki.

Heeseung then butted from the door and with his deer face, he shock to see Suno and dashes to his brace.

Sunghoon couldn't keep his eyes from the younger as usual, he was starting. Well, you can't blame him, he missed him.

"Why didn't you text us you're coming home? We really miss you." Sunghoon asked can't take it anymore to ruin Suno's hair like a kid.

Suno's protest at his action but he ignores it and continue to while he Suno was eating.

"Geez, you're just missed teasing me, Sunghoon hyung tss." Suno rolled eyes. His statement made Sunghoon laughs.

He was right tho.

When the SUN turned DARK - Kim SunoWhere stories live. Discover now