
Zeta was preparing dinner, hers daughter was sitting at the table, scribbling something in her notebook, when phone rang. Woman walked up to it and picked it up.

- Hello?

- Is this Zeta Egan? - voice asked.

- On the phone - she replied.

- Your request for visiting your husband has been approved. You can come even today - voice said.

- Thank you! - Zeta happily exclaimed and hung up the phone.

- Mommy, who was that? - Mia asked.

- The hospital called, saying that mommy can visit daddy - woman replied. Child bounced excitedly.

- Can I come with you? - she asked. Woman saddened.

- I'm sorry pumpkin, but you'll have to stay home - she said.

- But why? - Mia pouted.

- You're too small for such visit, daddy is really sick - Zeta replied. "And I don't want you to see what he has become" she thought.

- But I miss him sooooo much - girl stretched her arms out to show her point.

- I know sweetie, but you can't come with me. I'll call auntie Lyla to take care of you, okay? - she asked.

- Fine... - Mia mumbled - But you have to tell daddy that I miss him and that I wish he was already healthy - she added.

- I won't forget to tell him that - woman promised.


After Zeta's sister came to take care of her niece, Zeta got in the car and drove to the facility where her husband was being treated.

She entered the building where Calixte - old friend from high school - was waiting for her.

- Hi Zeta - he greeted her.

- Hi. Thank you for persuading the personnel to let me in - she said.

- What are friends for? But, are you sure you'll handle this? - he asked.

- I think I should be able to - she replied.

- Let's go then - having said that, Calixte began to lead her to her husband's room.

- What are his prognosis? - Zeta asked.

- It isn't getting worse, but also it isn't improving, his brain waves don't show anything, we don't know what to do - he said.

Hearing this, a single tear left woman's eye.

- Here we are! - man said, showing her metal door. He put his hand on the handle and asked:

- Are you sure about that?

Zeta nodded. Calixte pulled on the handle and they entered the room.

To their eyes appeared huge glass wall, behind which Adrien was sitting. He was wearing straitjacket and was muzzled. He was thrashing and shifting, trying to get out of the uncomfortable clothing. His raven black hair was unkempt and wild, his eyes were bloodshot and his pupils were unnaturally contracted.

Zeta seeing this, covered her mouth and let out a broken sob. She couldn't believe that her gentle, charming and good-hearted husband became an insane brute.

- I'm sorry you have to witness this - Calixte murmured.

- Can h-he hear u-us? - she asked.

- Yes, if we walk up to the pulpit, I can turn the microphone on and he'll hear us - man replied.

- Can you do that? I have few things to tell him - Zeta said.

Calixte nodded and walked up to the pulpit and switched it on. He then set up the microphone - it was ready to be used.

- Here you go - he said.

- Thanks - woman whispered and walked up to the microphone.

- Hi hubby... - she started. Giant's eyes darted around, trying to find the source of the soft voice. Finally, they focused on the small feminine figure standing behind the glass wall.

- It's been a while, huh? Everyone is missing you, Mia is constantly asking when daddy is coming back home, I'm getting lonely in our house, thousands of fans sent you letters with best wishes. We all want you to come back to us. I believe in you, you can defeat the disease - she looked at her wristwatch.

- Well, I have to go back to Mia. It was nice to see you, even if you were absent. Bye! - she said and waved her hand.

Then, a miracle happened. Giant's pupils began to dilate and Zeta could saw a small trace of recognition in those turquoise orbs.

- Hnrghh! - Adrien grunted, trying to get closer to his wife.

- Hgggrrr... Antie? - his voice was raspy, since it wasn't being used for a long time.

Antie was a nickname giant gave Zeta back in the highschool time, since she was small in comparison to him.

Woman rushed to the glass wall.

- Yes, it's me hunny! Can you say something else? - her voice was shaking.

- Mmprrhh... I... scared... help... - single words came out of his mouth.

Calixte and other doctors were looking at the whole scene with disbelief and hope.

- Incredible! You somehow managed to reach out to him! Quick, we have to see what is going on inside his brain! - Calixte called out to the others.

Suddenly, Zeta's phone rang and she had to answer it. It was her sister who asked her to go back home as soon as possible, because Mia was crying for her.

- I'm sorry Calixte, I can't stay, I have to go back home - she said to her friend.

- I understand. I'll let you know if we find out what caused him to calm down - man promised.

- Bye handsome! I'll visit you sometime soon - she said and headed to exit.

- No... Antie... No! No go! Stay! - desperate cry could be heard in the whole building.

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