Chapter 569 The Danger of Giants

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    White Tigers.

    "Ancestor, Lord Xiaobai found someone to send back a jade slip." Bai You said.

    The White Tiger King narrowed his eyes and said, "I'll take a look at what it is."

    Bai You respectfully handed a jade slip.

    "It's actually this thing, this time it's really a big trouble." The White Tiger King said with a shudder.

    Bai You asked curiously: "Ancestor, is it troublesome? It's just a few bugs." The

    White Tiger King kicked Bai You out, "You idiot, is this a normal bug?

    " You is not very old, he is the younger generation of the White Tiger Clan, who has never experienced that dark age.

    Although Bai You had also heard the rumors about the mother of the underworld insects, the rumors that only survived on paper did not have much deterrent effect on Bai You.

    The White Tiger King took a deep breath and said nervously: "Trouble, trouble, I'll go see the Dragon Emperor. The mother of the worms doesn't know how much he has recovered. If the other party recovers 70% of the power of the year, then As far as the entire Upper Realm is concerned, it is a disaster."

    Although the White Tiger Clan ranks in the forefront of the Upper Realm clan, it is still very troublesome if they are targeted by the Mother of Underworld Insects.


    The news of the mother of the worms spread slowly, and all ethnic groups entered a state of vigilance.

    Many ethnic groups have sent their forces to check whether there are ghost worm nests in the territory.

    A few worm nests were discovered one after another, but the worm swarm was really sturdy. Several small clans found the worm nests on the front feet, and the hind feet were wiped out.

    The news of the reappearance of the Mother of Underworld Insects has spread widely, and both the big family and the small family are like a formidable enemy.

    Chu Ye felt that the plague of worms was a bit like a plague of locusts, but it was much more terrifying than a plague of locusts.

    The black crow flew out and said solemnly, "Host, are you back?"

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Yes, the insect plague has already begun to emerge."

    Before, most of the worm nests were hidden. Now the mother of the worms may feel that the time has come, and many worm nests have surfaced. Over time, more nest locations should be exposed.

    "Host, host Dao Companion, I just made another prediction, one good news, one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" The black crow asked, rolling his eyes.

    Chu Ye squinted his eyes and said, "Good news."

    "I made a foregone conclusion, the mother of worms should have invested hundreds of worm nests in the upper realm, and every worm nest should have a life and death situation. Zerg guard, next, the fate of the human race is not too bad, but the giants are in danger of extinction." The

    black crow looked at Chu Ye and said, "Young Master Chu, do you want to help?"

    Chu Ye took a deep breath He took a breath and said, "If you don't know, forget it. Now that you know, you can only go and let us know."

    Over the years, because of him and Chuwen, the giants have been suppressed a lot, and Chu Ye felt a little guilty. .

    After Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen secretly arrived at the giant clan, they didn't show up for the first time, but instead inspected the place.

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