chapter 433: raising resources

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    xiaobai made a fuss in the holy courtyard and rushed to gu's house.

    the few soul pet masters from the gu family who entered the secret realm of tongtian were not very lucky and could not get out of it.

    when xiaobai arrived, some soul pet masters of the gu family heard some rumors vaguely and chose to run away.

    xiaobai slashed in a circle of space, twisting several halls of the gu family into pieces. a large number of soul pet masters of the ancient family died under xiaobai's attack, and several soul emperors of the ancient family died at the hands of xiaobai. .

    "some of the ancient family members seem to have gotten the wind in advance and escaped." lin chuwen said.

    chu ye said nonchalantly, "it's okay."

    before, the gu family was very powerful, and they did many things to bully others. this would make the gu family really lose their backbone. i believe that many forces will not miss this opportunity.

    "the news from the gu family, lin mengrong seems to be dead." chu ye said.

    lin chuwen nodded, "oh".

    it seems that lin mengrong was brought into the secret realm by the ancient elders as a tonic.

    when the ghost in the secret realm was released, lin mengrong was pulled out by the elders of the gu family to stop the disaster, and his body and soul were destroyed.

    lin mengrong's protagonist's aura was weakened, and he didn't pose any threat to chu ye for a long time, but chu ye was still relieved to hear the news of lin mengrong's death.

    in the beginning, lin mengrong was a huge threat to chu ye. chu ye was always worried that they would go the same way in the book under the aura of lin mengrong's protagonist. later, lin mengrong was more like a fly, although to him it doesn't pose a big threat, but he always resists him.

    after the gu family made a big fuss, xiaobai went to the proud family and the temple again.

    before entering the secret realm, the proud family and the temple were all giants to chu ye and lin chuwen.

    after entering the secret realm, chu ye and lin chuwen's strength improved by leaps and bounds, but the proud family and the temple suffered heavy losses in the secret realm, and they were completely vulnerable to a fight.

    chu ye frowned and said, "i didn't expect the proud family to be so fragile."

    lin chuwen glanced at chu ye and said, "it's not that the proud family is weak, but you have improved."

    chu ye nodded and said: " this is, i do seem to have made a lot of progress."

    aojia lives in a small secret realm, xiaobai broke the secret realm with the space law, causing a space storm, and many people in the aojia directly fell into the space storm.

    as for the temple, without chu ye's action, the temple has already fallen apart.

    the high priest of the temple opened the "hall of inheritance" and released the ghost, and the story that almost pulled the soul pet continent into a doomed situation has spread.

    a large number of families lost soul pet masters, and they all put the account on the head of the temple. as a result, a large number of temples built in the temple were demolished, and the temples that had dominated the central continent for many years were overturned.

    the black crow absorbed a lot of faith in the main hall of the temple.

    the reputation of the temple has plummeted, and a large amount of faith is rapidly draining away.

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