Chapter 414 Feng Qingcheng talks about the secret realm

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    Feng Qingcheng stood aside, his face pale.

    Feng Qingcheng looked towards Zhou Dingyuan, Zhou Dingyuan avoided his gaze in embarrassment.

    Zhou Dingyuan felt embarrassed about his identity, and in the face of Feng Qingcheng's helpless eyes, he lowered his head helplessly.

    The black crow fluttered around Feng Qingcheng, "Girl, what kind of holy girl are you!"

    Feng Qingcheng said cautiously, "That's just a random account given by someone else, it's a joke." The

    black crow nodded. Nodding his head, he said with deep conviction, "I think it's just a random seal, you saint sons and daughters of the Central Continent! There are too many, the names are so big, they are useless at all."

    Feng Qingcheng blushed, momentarily. Speechless.

    "Speaking of which, the demons are still powerful! A bunch of saints and saints are worthless, but the demons sound bold!" Hei Crow said.

    Feng Qingcheng secretly took a deep breath, speechless.

    "Do you know Ji Feishhuang from the temple? I heard that she is called a goddess." Black Crow said.     Feng Qingcheng was naturally aware of the festival between Chu Ye and Ji Feishuang, and when she heard the words, she said

    helplessly, "I'm not familiar with Ji Feishuang."

Maybe you can help me recommend it."

    Feng Qingcheng secretly said: Referral? What to recommend? Referral to robbery?

    The first time Ji Feishuang blocked Chu Ye, she didn't take any advantage. Now, with the soaring strength of Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen, Ji Feishuang should be no longer an opponent. However, Ji Feishuang should stay with the people in the temple. , Chu Ye really wants to do it, but he may not be able to get it.

    Feng Qingcheng looked at the willow demon. Following the willow demon's movements, the spirit grass in the medicine garden withered quickly. Before long, the spirit grass in the medicine garden should be condensed into the essence of grass and trees and become a willow tree. The nourishment of the demon.

    Feng Qingcheng looked at the willow tree demon, and felt a little envious. Although the willow tree demon was not able to pick the spirit grass from the medicine garden, it collected so many plant essences, and the harvest was very impressive.

    There are countless spirit grasses in Tongtian Secret Realm, and the willow tree demon has Xiaobai's help. Collecting spirit grass everywhere should be able to collect a lot of grass and tree essences. Before going out, it should be able to make a fortune.

    Seeing that the Willow Demon was in good condition, Chu Ye looked towards Feng Qingcheng.

    "Thank you Chu Shao for saving you." Feng Qingcheng saluted with complicated eyes.

    Feng Qingcheng took a deep breath and secretly envied Chu Ye's good luck. She was almost eaten by the man-eating tree, but Chu Ye was able to get the gift from the man-eating tree.

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "I didn't mean to save you, I just came to see the situation and see if there was a chance to pick up the corpse. You'd better say something valuable, so that it is worth your life. , otherwise, I'll let Xiaobai eat you."

    Xiaobai has old grudges with the Holy Court, and Chu Ye has no intention of repaying his grudges with virtue.

    Feng Qingcheng's expression changed, and he said solemnly, "Young Master Chu, what do you want to know?"

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