Say Yes (Fluff)

345 3 0

Pairing: 40s!Bucky Barnes x Rogers!Reader

Summary: After receiving your brother's blessing, Bucky Barnes finally finds the courage to ask you a very important question.

Word Count: 2.3k

Warnings: None.


Feeling the cool breeze of the spring day surrounding you, you began to grow annoyed as Bucky stopped short, slipping his hand out of yours to wipe them on his pants for the fifth time that afternoon.

Wrapping your cardigan, tighter around you, you sighed.

"Is everything alright, Buck?" You asked.

"What?" He asked, squinting up at you, brushing his hands on his bottoms. "Yeah, yeah, doll. Everything's fine. It's just hot today."

Watching as another cool gust of wind swept through his hair, you eyed him warily.

Bucky has been acting strange in the past two weeks since the night your brother, Steve, had discovered your relationship leading to a punch being thrown and shouting that you were sure woke the neighbors. However, your brother had assured you after coming back inside from speaking to his best friend alone that everything was fine and that they had worked out their differences.

He promised you that you had nothing to worry about.

If that was the case, you couldn't understand why Bucky was acting so... odd. You had known Bucky since before you could even remember and although he was your brother's best friend, you had always been able to read him like a book. You couldn't place a single reason why he had been behaving so anxiously the past few weeks or why he had suddenly become so nervous spending time alone with you.

"Did... did Steve say something to you?" You found the courage to ask your partner.

"Huh?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I told you, doll. Steve and I talked it all out."

When you said nothing else, keeping your arms crossed and only turning your head to the side to instead watch the couple having a picnic on the grass nearby, Bucky began to grow nervous that he messed up.


Facing your partner once again, you threw your hands in the air with a groan.

"I don't know, Buck!" You exclaimed. "You've just been acting so weird. Just talk to me. Tell me what's wrong!"

Bucky swore he could feel the color drain from his face.

He didn't think you had noticed his newfound behavior- or at least hoped you hadn't.

Ever since he had asked Steve for your hand in marriage two weeks ago and he said yes, Bucky had been nervously searching for the perfect moment. He had known he wanted to marry you since one month into your relationship (and knew you were it for him even earlier than that), so he had expected to be overjoyed and relieved upon finally receiving your brother's permission, but instead it had only made the reality that you could say no to him even more real.

He hadn't even thought of that possibility until the opportunity to ask you was finally in his hands.

He wanted more than anything to finally be married to you- he knew he couldn't wait much longer- but he wanted the proposal to be perfect for you nonetheless.

"Nothing's wrong, Y/n." He said. "You're just seein' things."

As soon as the last comment had slipped from his mouth, he knewhe messed up. When you raised your eyebrows at him, your tongue in your cheek, he took his hands out of his pockets and reached them out for you.

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