Three's A Crowd (Fluff)

493 4 0

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: When you come down to visit your boyfriend, Bucky Barnes, at the Wilson residence and see his interaction with Sam's nephews firsthand- you can't help but entertain the idea of having a family of your own with the super soldier.

Word Count: 2k

Warnings: Mentions of starting a family if you aren't into that sort of thing.

"Hey sleepyhead." You hummed, running your fingers through your boyfriend's hair.

At the sound of your voice and the gentle touch of your fingers slipping through his hair and brushing against his skin ever so slightly, Bucky opened his eyes to bet met with your figure sitting at his side, staring down at him.

No matter how many times he woke up to see you first thing in the morning with the sunlight highlighting your features, he would swear he was in heaven- utterly consumed with the feeling of pure bliss.

"Hi, doll." He smiled, his voice still raspy.

At the feeling of his hands moving to lay on either side of your waist you smiled. "Hi."

"What are you doing here?" He asked, realizing that you had come all the way down to the Wilson's home when the last place Bucky had left you before going on his mission with Sam was at your shared apartment in New York.

"I missed you." You shrugged.

"I told you I was coming home today, Y/n."

"I know, Buck." You said, now laying your palm against his cheek. "But I heard about everything that happened and I couldn't wait another day to see you."

Looking up at you and leaning into your palm that was cupping his cheek, Bucky couldn't believe how he ever got so lucky as to have you.

Breaking him out of his moment spent admiring you, he heard the sound of Sam's nephews running into the room, and turned his head only to see them playing with the famous vibranium shield in their hands.

"Hey!" He exclaimed.

Immediately upon being caught by the super soldier, the boys dropped the shield onto the ground, scurrying out of the room, no doubt scared about getting caught with their uncle's prized possession.

"Look at you babysitting." You laughed, playfully swatting at your boyfriend's chest.

Bucky caught your hand midair and scoffed. "I'm not babysitting... it's just... dangerous... you know?"

"Sure," You smiled. "Whatever you say, tough guy."

Grasping the dog tags that were lying on his chest, you gently tugged on the chain and brought his face inches away from yours. Seeing his sleepy, smiling face- you brought your lips to meet his for a soft kiss before pulling away.

"One more?" He asked, quirking his eyebrows.

"Go brush your teeth first." You laughed, watching as he threw you a fake pout. "Then I'll see what I can do."


Although the two of you spent the remainder of the day apart- Bucky training with Sam and you helping Sarah with things she needed done around the property- you came together again on the docks that evening while the Sun began to set over the horizon.

Carrying a crate in your hands that you had assured Sarah wasn't too heavy for you, you made your way near the boat again, laying your eyes on your super soldier boyfriend for the first time since that morning.

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