Cake (Fluff)

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avengers!Reader

Summary: You and your boyfriend Bucky Barnes head down to the Wilson residence for a barbecue. Sam's nephews adore the both of you and as you watch Bucky play with the kids, you're ready to tell him that you're pregnant.

Word Count: 2.7k

Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, based heavily on episode 6 of TFATWS.

"I say we get the vanilla one."

Standing besides you in the supermarket aisle with his arms crossed, your boyfriend turned to look at you with disgust written all over his face.

"Vanilla?" Bucky said, shaking his head. "Are you kidding, Y/n? All kids like chocolate."

As he was speaking, Bucky reached out to pull one of the chocolate cakes off of the shelf it was sitting on, but you swat his hand away.

"Oh yea?" You asked. "And what makes you the expert on what kids like?"

Uncrossing his arms, he waved his hand in your face.

"Metal arm." He said. "Don't pretend like Sam's nephews didn't love me last time we were there."

You couldn't argue with that. The last time the two of you had been to the Wilson residence in between missions, Sam's nephews absolutely adored the super soldier. They couldn't get enough of the one hundred and six year-old man with the vibranium arm and the fun they had messing with him.

You had just as much joy watching the interactions between the three of them. You couldn't help but entertain the idea of starting a family of your own with Bucky.

The two of you had been dating for years- not including the five year blip the two of you had been snapped from existence in- and had often discussed the idea of getting married and having children in the future. You didn't think you would be ready yet, but as you watched children be in absolute awe of your boyfriend, you felt as though the pieces began to fell into place.

And funnily enough- they did.

You had been feeling sick and exhausted for the past few weeks, but you figured it was on account of the missions you had been going on with Sam and Bucky. When the symptoms continued while you stayed at the Wilson's home for the weekend while Bucky helped Sam fix the boat- you had taken pregnancy test.

It was positive.

Although you knew that you and Bucky could handle it, you were still in absolute shock realizing that you were going to be starting a family- you were going to be responsible for more than just making sure you and your friends didn't get killed fighting bad guys- you were going to be a parent.

The only person who knew was Sam's sister, Sarah. She was the only one inside the house when you had taken the test and when she had heard you pacing around the bathroom, hyperventilating, she opened the unlocked door and immediately saw the pregnancy test in your hands. You had sworn her to secrecy, making sure she didn't tell your boyfriend or her brother, promising her that you would tell them when the time was right... but with the mission in New York City coming immediately after your stay, you hadn't found the right opportunity to tell Bucky yet.

However, you told yourself that you finally would tonight... after attending the barbecue.

"Yeah, yeah." You rolled your eyes. "I can't argue with that. They did love you, but that doesn't mean you know anything about cake."

Reaching his hand out for the chocolate cake again he scoffed. "I'm not taking advice from someone who wants to bring a vanilla cake to a party-"

You swat his hand again. "We're not getting the chocolate."

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