~Chapter 8 - King Denile~

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~Chapter 8- King Denile~

Commander Ein, Lieutenant Aingr, and a group of Kingsguard soldiers escorted the family to the city's center. Ein waved to citizens as he passed through, receiving many smiles in return.

Ein walked alongside Deporah, "How're you doing, little one?"

Deporah nodded.

"Do you know my granddaughter?" Ceptance asked.

Ein smiled, "Why yes! While she was living with the King. I got to know her well. She's quite talented at swordplay. I was no match against her when we fenced, isn't that right, Deporah?"

Deporah nodded... and did she smile? It was slight, but it would've been the first time they had seen her do such a thing.

"Why, you seem like a very kind man," Ceptance replied.

"Why thank you!"

The King's castle stood at the center of the city. The perimeter wall around the castle was manned by soldiers of the Kingsguard. But when Commander Ein headed for the front gate, they opened the door without hesitation. A short path led them inside the castle.

White walls and several guards and servants lining the halls waited for them. Lumb was surprised though. It seemed rather modest compared to what he imagined a king's home to be.

All the while, a question was burning away at Lumb. He whispered to his mother, "Should we ask why the King wants to see us?"

Ceptance nodded with a pouted lip, "Yeah... I'm sure that'll be fine."

The two continued to walk with the Kingsguard wordlessly. Ceptance whispered, "Are you going to ask?"

"Are you?"

"I... I'm sure we'll find out when we see him..." Ceptance replied, slightly anxious. She tugged at the bands of her overalls as she walked.

"...Should we bow to the king when we see him? Or something like that?"

"No... that'd be silly!" Ceptance replied stiffly.

"What if he expects us to?"

Ceptance nearly stopped walking to think about it, "I don't think I will."

A man wearing regal clothes with poufy shoulders approached them, one with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a prim demeanor. Behind him was a young boy with similar features, most likely around Deporah's age.

The regal-looking gentleman stepped forward, and the Kingsguard group escorting them halted, parting the way so the man could speak to them.

He gave an earnest smile and extended his hand, "Hello, I am Prince Whedon. And this is my son, Norton. Pleasure to meet you."

Ceptance cordially met his hand, "Pleasure to meet you as well."

As Whedon pulled his hand away, he winced at the sight of dirt that had gotten onto him, but he kept smiling as if it hadn't bothered him. His eyes shifted to Deporah, "Hello, little one. My father's looking forward to seeing you again."

Deporah gave a slight nod.

"Please come with me," Whedon said, gesturing to Lumb and the others to follow him through the castle. When he thought no one was looking, Whedon rubbed the dirt on his hand on a pillar.

Norton walked alongside Deporah cheerfully, talking about all sorts of things. The little boy was chatty. But they did seem familiar with one another.

"My granddaughter stayed here for a while, didn't she?" Ceptance asked.

"Why, yes! She and my son became good friends while he was here. My father was fond of her too," Whedon replied.

"Your father?"

"The King."

They climbed staircases until they finally found the throne room. Sunlight shone in through the windows, casting a shadow around a throne where an old man sat. Grey-haired, grey eyes, and a short beard. The man's thin fingers were knitted together, with feet planted firmly on the ground, and a rapier hoisted at his waist.

Everyone filed in around the King. Soldiers stood at attention around the room. Ein marched to his side, standing proudly beside the King. Lumb, Ceptance, and Deporah were left squarely in the center of the room before the King.

"Greetings. I am Denile, King of Mortel," The old man placed his hands on his knees, pushing off them as he stood. He walked to them; age had slowed his steps.

The King closed his eyes... and knelt, bowing his head before them.

"I'm sorry."

"Wh-why?" Ceptance asked.

Denile opened his eyes, "I was the one who gave the order to execute Urba. I was far too hasty and should've had the matter investigated further. After our most recent findings... it's clear that an innocent woman was punished. I hope to make amends."

Denile struggled to stand up, nearly losing his balance in the process. Lumb and Ceptance caught him as he nearly fell. All the soldiers tensed up in the room as they helped him to his feet.

"Thank you," Denile said with a smile. He had a mouth full of teeth, most likely fake. The King beckoned to a soldier, who came forward with a hefty sack of coins and handed it to Lumb.

"Consider this a small reparation for what I've done," Denile said, "The contents should add up to fifty thousand."

Lumb nearly dropped the sack, "Fifty thousand!?"

Denile smiled, "Yes. I'll make sure my Kingsguard escorts you home safely with it. Perhaps, you can use it to help your mother retire?"

Ceptance scoffed loudly, "I'm not retiring anytime soon. That's going right back into our business."

Denile was taken aback by her response. He shrugged, "Suit yourself."

Denile knelt so that he could look Deporah eye to eye, "Your gift will come later, however. I have an account waiting for you that should build up over time. When you turn 18, it will all be yours. But... I think you should part with something today."

Denile gripped the rapier at his hip and slid it out of its sheath. He held it out in front of him for Deporah to see.

"If I remember correctly, you're quite the fencing enthusiast. This blade has been passed down through my family for generations. But I think you deserve it," Denile explained.

The King slid it back into its sheath, unbuckled it from his waist, and allowed Deporah to take it from him. Her eyes ran over the length of the sword. She gave him a smile and said, "Thank you..."

... But her smile didn't seem genuine. Not to Lumb at least.

"You're very welcome, Deporah," Denile said. He began to try standing, only to struggle again. He sighed, "Can one of you help me up?"

Lumb hurried to his side and helped him back to his feet. The King walked back to his throne and slumped into it, seemingly sapped of all his energy from standing for so long.

"I know it's not enough, but it's the least I can do to make up for the mistakes I've made," Denile said.

Ceptance bit her lip and came forward, "You're right... This isn't enough. My daughter and I... were estranged for a few years. I always wanted the chance to mend things. I'll never have a chance now. But... you're a good man for admitting to what you've done."

Denile smiled softly and nodded, "That's tough... but fair. My Kingsguard will help with whatever you desire and will escort you home whenever you decide to leave the city."

Ceptance gave a rigid nod, "Thank you."

Despite Ceptance's demeanor, she was happy about how things turned out. Lumb was too. Urba's name was cleared, and the King's favor would ensure that they'd be able to give Deporah a good life.

But when Lumb looked at Deporah, he saw the same dour look she always had. 

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