~Chapter 5- An empty home~

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~Chapter 5- An Empty Home~

They found Seamus's house at the edge of the inner circle of the city. The retired seafarer bought a home in the city of Mortel, lived as a recluse, and rarely associated with anyone. While most cities in the area were built from clay and straw, this one was made of fine wood and stone. The two-story home had a pleasant view of the rural outer ring of the city.

... It wasn't far from Urba's home.

Since Seamus had no kin, the city was at a loss as to what to do with the home. Since the investigation, it had been left alone. With few neighbors around, there would be few prying eyes to their antics. The house's front door had a flimsy barricade nailed onto it, one that Ceptance quickly did away with.

"Aingr said we could take a look, just not to tamper with anything, right?" Ceptance said as the door creaked open.

"Yes... but I doubt he'll notice if we end up looking closely at something. Keep an eye out for that same mark we saw on his body," Lumb said. The three began to wander about the home.

The home was surprisingly spacious for a single person, yet dusty. Dustier than one would expect, considering Seamus had only been dead for a few weeks. There was a room with a long table where dinners could be held, though it looked unused.

Seamus' bedroom was plain as well. There was a sizable bed, a rocking chair, and a bookcase filled with material the old man must've used to amuse himself with. On a desk were several bottles, each with miniature replicas of ships.

"Lumb! Come upstairs!" Ceptance hollered from above them. Lumb and Deporah found the staircase leading up to an attic.

Basins around the room held clay and putty, and at a fine table near one of the walls were figurines made of the materials. Various animals, ships, trees - there even seemed to be a small replica of the King's castle. Lumb looked at the figurine of a clay dog; it was so intricately detailed that he could even see the bristles of fur coming off it.

Lumb was about to set it back on the table when it slipped from his grip. The clay dog's leg broke off. Lumb made sure none of the others had seen and promptly walked away from the scene of the crime.

On another table in the attic were half-done figurines, surrounded by brushes, wooden tools of various shapes, scalpels, and other things to assist in creating intricate details.

"Is this what he did with his time?" Ceptance brow furrowed as she looked at the many figurines set about the attic.

"Must've been. I could see him making a bit of money off it."

"Being cooped up like this all day would drive me crazy," Ceptance relented, "...Lumb?"


"...If I ever think of retiring like this guy, put me out of my misery."

Lumb scoffed, "It's more likely that you'd kill me if I tried to get you to retire."

Deporah picked up a clay figurine of a knight, no doubt modeled after one of the Kingsguard. Each plate of their armor was detailed, and the sword was even detachable from the rest of the figure.

"I heard he was a good sculptor," Deporah remarked.

"Deporah, did you meet Seamus?" Lumb asked.

Deporah nodded but said nothing else. He didn't ask more, in case it would stir up some bad memories for her. There had been enough of that already.

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