Chapter 4

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I was tempted to skip calculus today. The reason? She wasn't going to school today - she was ill. The only thing that made me go was Dylan, and his annoying bribes. "I'll get you a double cream coffee next time we go, pinky swear" I mean, how could I resist. 

So that is why I was currently walking to Aurelia Randeres house. Since we sat next to each other, the teacher had paired us for the project, where we needed to finish some sort of math thing by the end of the week, or something like that. Usually, I'd be upset at this news, but now that I sit by Aurelia, she can be the thinker, and I can be the moral support guy. My speciality. 

I knocked at the simple house, a small white one with some pale green accents. The lawn was tidy, with some pink flowers in pots at the top of the path on either side of the door. And no, I'm not a stalker. I just live a few houses down and sometimes watch her go into her house, so I know she made it safely. Just kind neighbour things. "Coming" a woman's voice came from the other side of the door, and soon after I was met with a lively lady, with brown-turning-grey hair and kind but tired foggy green eyes.

 "Oh hi, I, uh I'm uh Aurelia's friend. Her partner in calculus, we have a project." I'm ashamed to say, I stuttered. I never stutter. Ever.

"Then come on in! My Aurelia doesn't have many friends coming, normally it's the other way round. More the merrier though!" Her mum led me too her room and knocked ,"Sweetie, a friend has come to visit you, can they come in?" 

I heard her voice, she sounded off, though her voice still had a calming effect to my buzzing mind. "Yeah they can, thanks a lot Mrs Grasscox!" Huh? Mrs Grasscox? I had so many questions but I knew it was no place for me too ask, so I left it and stepped into her room.

 It was like how I'd think walking into Narnia would be. It was like a whole new world. She had photos everywhere, on the walls, on shelves, on the desk. Where her walls didn't have a picture, there were posters. Many were of Taylor Swift, while others were of OneDirection. Her room had a green/blue theme, with pictures of two men from OneDirection everywhere. On her tv which stood on the chest drawer opposite her bed, was an episode of The Vampire Diaries playing. I was midway admiring her room when her shrill scream stopped me. 

" WHAT THE BLEEP ARE YOU DOING HERE!?! Get out. Right now." 

I hadn't even noticed her beneath all the blankets, with only her face showing. Her nose and cheeks were red, she was obviously ill.

 "Chill. Im here to drop off your calculus work, that's all." I put the project sheet on her bedside drawer and she carefully reached an arm out to get it. Slowly I turned around, the sooner I get out, the less things I need to do. She's gonna figure out it's a team project sooner or later, and I'd like to be out of her house by the time she does. 

Just as I was about to escape and be free, she sharply called out, "Wait. It says here that 'do with partner'. Who's my partner?" 

With a grin I looked back at her, "me." I laughed at her expression. She seemed to have known the answer already, but her face fell even more when it was confirmed.

"Oh." She thought for a moment, cutely scrunching  her eyebrows before she finally decided "You can leave, I'll do it alone. And I'll be sure to write your name on it too." Then rolling her eyes and unpaused the episode of TVD, I took it as my queue to leave, so I did.


Mission successfully failed. I didn't need to do the homework, so it's an easy pass, but at the same time I've missed out an opportunity to talk, and then hopefully get close to her. "Ughhh." I flopped onto Leon's bed - face first. 

"Well it wasn't a complete fail, I mean, at least you talked to her?" Leon finally spoke from his game chair, giving me the attention I so desperately needed right now. He turned away from the screen at last and got up from the spinny chair, sitting on the soft, grey and blue duvet next to me. I felt the bed dip as the pressure of his body pushed the old springs down. 

"She hates me. There's not even any point trying to get her to like me when she'd rather do team homework on her own than doing it with me, her partner." There really wasn't a point. I could get any girl I wanted, I knew that, but did I want that? Leon broke my train of thoughts, with something... not so reassuring.

 "She hates you man. Hate hates you. And honestly - I don't blame her. All you've ever done was make fun of her. Did you really expect her to like you back? Because if you did, I'm sorry mate but you'd be living in some romance story if you really thought that would happen. This is real life. You can't bully her and then expect her to secretly be in love with you the entire time. No. What you need to do is man up and apologise. Then slowly befriend her and BOOM! She falls in love with you, you both live happily ever after, and I'll be you're wing man through it all." 

Somewhere through Leon's amazing speech, he had fallen of the bed, so while he was getting up, I processed his words. He was right. I did need to say sorry.. but how? I'm seen as the 'bad boy', I don't do apologies. Leon passed my controller, "C'mon, lets play" I joined, though my mind wasn't focusing on the screen before me. 

Leon was right, I need to apologise.


Chapter 4 finished! Hope you enjoyed, if you did please vote, comment and follow!

Have a great day/night!


What is the last thing you've eaten today?

- sky

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