Guy fluff

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Tenten was popping up a tent and Neji was attempting to find food Lee. You could hear Lee's rambling on and Neji's sigh of frustration.

You laughed in your head and set of to go scout out the surrounding area with your Sensei. You were to close in age to call him that but it was proper and after all, he taught you everything you knew when you were younger. You always had a feeling he liked you and in a way you wouldn't complain if he if he did but that didn't matter now that you were going out with Iruka.

Iruka was a nice guy. A little to laid back for your liking but he was alright. "Ah this reminds me of our old training days!" Guy smiled.

"Indeed" you said while putting on a fake smile and looking at the ground.

Guy frowned when he noticed it. He looked over at you as you continued to walk amongst the dark trees silhouetted buy the moon. "Is everything ok with you and Iruka? I know your dating but that's about it."

"We aren't dating. We're just seeing if we both like hanging out and getting to know each other."

You had a point since the academy teacher never made it official and asked you to date him. And technically you weren't going out on him if you got with Guy instead. However Iruka has a pure heart and you'd hate to cause him any negative feelings.

Guy shook his head. "I know he hasn't. He and I talk from time to time and he's mentioned that he wanted to give you a way out in case something happened. Not that your not trust worthy but because he said he had a feeling your eyes were elsewhere."

Had you been that obvious, but even you didn't know you had your eyes on Guy. Hopefully he never noticed but then again it would be kinda hard not to since you were the only one cheering for him in his competitions with Kakashi.

"So if you've had your eye on someone else I believe you should tell Iruka. And im kind of curious to see who your looking at."

You blushed slightly but thankfully it was hidden by the dark. You continued walking and talking with guy until you were almost back to camp. You could smell the fire and the fish Neji and Lee caught.

Before you both made your presence know you took a deep breath and pulled on Guy's sleeve. 'this better go as planned or I'm screwed and hope to never show my face around that village ever again!'

"Yes y/n?"

"I need to have a word with you privately."

Little did you know the younger students were already aware of you both being nearby. Neji activated his byakugan and began to tell the others of his findings.

"I understand y/n...and honestly I feel the same way. We both must tell Iruka. And I do want to actually date you if he's ok with it."

You blushed and shook your head. " I'd be happy to date you and I agree we must tell him at once."

You started to walk away but he caught your arm and pulled you back. Before you could say a word he covered your lips with his and kissed you passionately. As you began to return the kiss you heard a loud yell.

"EWW GROSS" Neji shouted, followed by the laughter of Lee and Tenten.

You both pulled back from each other with red cheeks. "This going to be fun to explain to the students." Guy laughed and scratched his neck.

You laughed and began your walk back to the mission camp.

Once the mission was over and you gave Tsunade the run down, you both went and found Iruka. He's a little upset but he understood and smiled anyways. You could still feel his hurt but maybe eventually he to would find his special someone.

As for you and Guy well you both stayed together for as long as you lived and had a good family. You even started wearing a suit similar to his,even though you hated it you did it for him as his supportive wife.

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