Sasuke x reader x Naruto

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The sun shown brightly over the village as it was just now sunrise. You yawned and stretched as you slowly crawled out of bed. 'another day i have to spend teaching those 3 idiots.' you thought to yourself. Ever sense Kakashi and Jiraiya left for a mission you were the only one who seemed qualified to teach the 3 bafoons - Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno- who was manly taught by Tsunade.

You brought yourself to get ready and finally leave for the training grounds. As usual you were 10 minutes early. You brought out your journal and began writing until you heard the two boys arguing as usual. You stood up from the ground and and yelled at them.

"Would you two cut that out!" You screamed, earning the attention of both boys. They nodded and quit their bickering. "Now that I have your attention, where's Sakura." As usual Sasuke disregarded your questioning and left it up to Naruto to explain that she was training with Tsunade. You took no time and got to work with both if the boys. Though you were older by a year they were still bigger and not so easy to beat, but you always won anyways.

You were nearing your lesson with them when you ended up in a slight awkward position. You had landed on Naruto which was now on the floor and Sasuke who was straddling your mid section. "Would you get off of me." Naruto said while squirming. It didn't help you any cause you could clearly feel how excited he was. Sasuke on the other hand just sat there and purposely leaned forwards just enough for you to let out a bit of a moan.

Naruto caught on to the non audible plan as he managed to make himself comfortable and reached both of his hands around to your front and began rubbing your clothes chest while sucking on your neck. You were moaning but slowly enjoying the treatment. You had forgotten that this was your students and a lesson, especially when you felt your clothed woman hood being pleased. You moaned even more at the sensation and felt knots in your stomach and you slowly started to get wet.

Within 10 minutes, both your clothes and your two students were flung somewhere on field. A part of you didn't feel this was right but you wanted it and so did they. Soon you and the two boys moved to the privacy of the trees, where you were once again laid down but this time you were laying flat against the Earth. Naruto sat at the end of you and began to eat you out while Sasuke licked and sucked your breasts. They wouldn't let you please them even tho you so wanted to, you were enjoying your treatment until you felt a finger slip into you which made you squirm. You eventually stopped when Sasuke found your sweet spot behind your ear and started to kiss and bite at it. Naruto was about to put himself inside of you but was quickly replaced when Sasuke pushed him out of the way. Naruto went to roughly massaging your breasts while behind you, forcing you to half lay down and half sit up.

Sasuke grabbed your shoulder and in one thrust he pushed himself all the way into you which caused you to scream in pleasure but yet in pain. He stayed still until you gave him the ok to start moving. He went at inhuman speeds while Naruto was rubbing your clit, you came quickly and so did Sasuke. He released himself all inside of you. "Who knows maybe the clan will grow again." He hummed at you with a smirk plastered on his face.

Just as Naruto was about to get up and insert himself, Sasuke stopped him. "I dont want to have an Uzumaki half Uchiha half (your clan) child. So if you do it than don't you dare release unless you would like to loose your life." Naruto gulped and just backed down, he didn't want to have any part of yours and Sasukes baby if there was to be one.

You all got dressed and left the training grounds. You secretly hoped for a child but weren't going to be disappointed if it didn't happen.

In the end everything worked out.

I'm just gonna give you the choice of having a baby Uchiha or not 😂

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