Sai fluff

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You tried to breath steadily while you held your pose in front of the hokage mountain.

Sai was working in his sketch book as quickly and as precise as possible. His drawings were always good and you had never seen anything in them out of place.

He didn't typically draw people but today he seemed like he was expanding his artistic abilities. "Are you about done?" You asked as your arms and legs grew tired.

He nodded as he scribbled faster. You smiled as you watched him. 'so precise...and yet so hot' you thought to yourself.

You had always had a slight crush on him ever since you met him. You could never tell him especially with Ino always try to spend time around him. He seemed to enjoy spending time with her but he was more at peace around you.

You studied how his hands moved with his pencil,the angles he turned his book,the look in his eyes when something was out of place of just right.

"Y/n I said I was done at least twice now" he smiled. You blushed when you realized you had been staring,zoned out while in thought about him and him catching you.

"Oh uhh I know" you laughed while scratching the back of your neck. "Is there something wrong? You seem different when I want to hang out with you. Like your always nervous or something."

You had a pause in your mind which led to awkward silence. "Um well you see I uh...umm...NEED TO GO BAKE BREAD SEE YA!"

You tried to run away, you knew you'd have to tell him eventually especially with him now noticing your change in attitude. Before you made it to far he caught you and stopped you by catching your arm.

"Seriously y/n. What's wrong."

You sighed loudly and just began to speak,letting your flow freely from your heart. "I've always liked you, ever since I've known you. You were different from the others and I liked that. You've always been there for me..."

His eyes widened. "I've always kinda had my eye on you. Your not pushy like Ino and not annoying like Sakura. You make my life brighter when your around, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I return your feelings." He gave you a closed eye smile.

You both blushed and giggled before he kissed your cheek and a quick peck on the lips.

"So will you be my girlfriend?"

You looked at him and gave him a big hug."of course I will!" you smiled.

He then took your hand and took you on a proper date.

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