"Because she was heartbroken when you actually disappeared!" He rebuttals.

Everyone blinks and looks at the shocked Eris.


"Eris, you think mother hates you. But she doesn't."

Eris folds her arms.

"Never showed it..."

"That's what you think. If she did hate you, would she really have fixed all of your problems caused by your strife?" Thanatos questions.

Eris looks away and sighs.


"I believe she took Aero because it was the only way to get you to come home. Now are you gonna stay like that, or you finally gonna accept yourself?"

Eris sighs and looks at her hands.

"I kept telling my daughter to accept herself....yet I couldn't do that myself....."

Everyone watches as Eris glows blue and she soon is in her true form. She's in dark royal blue robes, with short black hair. Parts of her hair are pulled up into braids. She had markings on her light skin. She looks at herself and sighs.

"I haven't looked like this in centuries...."

Eris blinks and turns to Chris. He's wide eyed.

"I'm sorry....for lying....."

Chris walks over and holds her cheek. He smiles.

"No matter what....you'll always be beautiful in my eyes. I fell in love with you, your looks were just a plus."

Eris chuckles as Chris kisses her cheek. They look at the kids. Eris smiles at them.

"You guys wanna see where I grew up?"

They all nod. Eris looks to Thanatos.

"Ready, brother?"

He smiles.

"Of course."

They arrive at Nyx's dimension. The kids look at the mansion in awh.

"Aero's life gets cooler and cooler." Tucker remarks.

One of the many of Nyx's minions go by. They blink and gasp.

"Lady Eris has returned!"

A group of them swarm her and Thanatos, shoving the others away.

"Lady Eris! We have all missed you so!"

Eris blinks.

".....Really? But I always made things so difficult...."

One minion nods no and smiles.

"But you were always so happy and free spirited still. We all missed that energy around here."

"Especially Lady Nyx." One says.

The rest shush that one. Eris looks at Thanatos.

"I told you."

Thanatos turns to the minions.

"Mother brought someone here. That's Eris' daughter. Where is our mother?"

The minions gasp.

"Oh we knew it! She has Lady Eris' smile! We'll take you all to them at once!"

Meanwhile in the courtyard, Aero was marveling at the artwork there. Nyx was following behind her.

"It's all so beautiful...."

"This is all your mother's work." Nyx replies.

Aero turns to her.

Danny Phantom X Oc- The OutcastWhere stories live. Discover now