Chapter Ten - It's your story

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Minho closed Myungsoo's bedroom door after tucking him in and went into his shared room with his husband, Jisung. Sighing, he sat on the bed and fixed Jisung's blanket. "Is Myungsoo sleeping already?" Jisung sleepily asked, turning around to look at Minho's back. "Yeah. Go back to sleep, Sungie. I'll head to bed soon too."

Opening the drawer, Minho picked up the same letter. It was obvious how much he read it because of how crumpled the envelope is. "I'll meet you soon." He whispered and kissed the envelope.


June of 2017 we first met. I immediately had a crush on you. I stalked you everywhere, watched you dance your heart out and I wasn't expecting you to notice me. Let alone marry me.

On October of 2019, We exchanged vows. I promised my heart, body and soul to you infront of everyone. If I could say more things that made me fall for you, I would've but the priest was already so annoyed and impatient with us so I just kissed you immediately didn't I? That was the best day of my life. My family said that I would regret marrying but I said if its you then I will risk everything I have. And I did.

On April of 2028, you gifted me with a house in Jeju. It was so romantic and beautiful. Once again, I fell for you just like I do everytime I wake up and see your face. I ask God everyday what I did to deserve such happiness in my life.

On May of 2028, God answered my question. He must've been annoyed with me since I asked him for years and years so he took my happiness away. I noticed how distant my husband has become but I am happy that he looks brighter than ever. He looks like he was reborn.

Minho, I am happy that you're happy.
I do not care if it means I'm not a part of it since I devoted my life to you and our marriage. I knew one day you'll come to me and end things. I'm just glad we spent years together building and creating fun memories.

One of my regrets is not being enough for you. Minho, I tried my best. I did everything I could to make you feel safe in my arms. I blame myself that this is happening to me, not once did I ever blame you. I'm sorry if all I'm good at is painting. I ask myself if I worked with you, will our relationship succeed much longer? Will there be excitement again? Will we feel sparks again?

On our 9th anniversary, you asked me for a divorce. I couldn't say no however I wanted to feel like your man again. Even if its just a small period of time so I acted selfishly. I want to say that those 5 days was enough for me to leave without being sad.

You held my hand, you carried me on your back, you danced for me and even gave me a lot of food to eat. Your warmth was so comfortable that I didn't want to let you go but I have to even if its stabbing me inside. Did you know that one of my favorite thing to do with you is to sit somewhere quiet and just admire what's infront of us? Maybe it's because I'm introverted but that alone is top on my list. A quiet paradise with you.

You left today. I reminisced and traveled back to where we first met. It was like watching a movie. We were so young and full of joy, Changbin was there too. I realized I took so many photos and I still complained to you before why  my phone is so slow. I'm sorry, you must've been so frustrated with me.

If you don't mind, I'll give you my anniversary present. It's the painting! I changed my present the last minute because of everything that happened. It's us, just watching the sea. I know its simple but it would mean a lot to me if you'd keep it. I worked so hard for it.

This is getting long. You must be bored. I'll quickly end it okay? Hyung, if ever you find out what really happened, don't blame yourself. I did this to myself okay? It's my thoughts, not yours.

Our story has ended. My story has ended but yours just started. A new story that you are writing. Don't let this, don't let me become an obstacle in your life. In my story, it is a happy ending. You deserve your own happy ending. I love you Lee Minho. When you finish your story once and for all, please come and visit me because I will always be yours. Till death do us part right?

Love, Lee Hyunjin.


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