Chapter Seven - Choice

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"Grandpa. If Minho loves Hyunjin so much and Hyunjin loves Minho so much, why didn't they have a happy ending? They're like peter pan and tinkerbell." Myungsoo pouted and played with his doll. "Because Minho was stupid and he figured out everything so late. Myungie, It's getting dark. You should head to bed."

Myungsoo climbed on Minho's lap and snuggled close to his grandfather. "Noooo~ I still want to know what happened to Minho and Hyunjin."

"Alright but after Grandpa's story, our little Myungsoo has to sleep okay?" Myungsoo nodded and grinned. "So.. after Minho left the escape house.."

"Why would you give this to him, Jisung!?" Minho slammed the papers on the floor as soon as he reached Jisung's hotel room. "I.. I just wanted to help." Minho frustratedly combs his hair with his fingers and groaned. "Well you're not helping! All he wanted was 10 days!" Jisung frowned upon hearing his fiancé's words.

"Hey, Minho. You promised me a ring, a wedding! Is it my fault that I want to speed things up!? I was jealous okay? You don't answer my calls anymore and I was getting paranoid thinking you fell for him again." Jisung explained, calming himself and trying to calm Minho as well. "You know me, Minho.. I can't stand being away from you."

Minho looked down at his fiancé and pursed his lips. "Jisung, he is still my husband. You don't have any right to do that especially if he didn't sign any papers yet." Jisung gritted his teeth and turned away from Minho facing the large window of the hotel. "So what are you saying?"

Minho sighed and sat on the couch, looking straight down on the carpet floor. "There's nothing to say. He signed the papers." Minho felt devastated. He was guilty, he was sorry, he was ashamed. Jisung rushed towards Minho and grabbed the papers from the floor. "Oh my god! It's true!"

"I'll just take a shower." Minho muttered. "Oh, I'll join you!" Jisung chirped, placing the papers neatly on the coffee table. "No. I want to shower alone if that's okay. I need to think."

Jisung couldn't hear the sadness in his fiancé voice because he was overjoyed by the fact that Hyunjin signed the divorce papers.

Minho took off all his clothes and stepped in the shower where he stood still. Hot water pouring from above. Why is he so mad anyways? He and Jisung got what they wanted. Right? But why does he feel like he wants to run back to the house and tear the papers right infront of Hyunjin? What is he trying to prove?

Minho didn't notice his tears flowing down along with the water dripping down from his face. He threw all the years they spent together for 5 months that he thought he was overjoyed. Where he had all the fun.

Minho remembered that those first few years with Hyunjin was so fun as well. They did all sort of crazy things together just like he and Jisung are doing. He sacrificed those 11 years for a 5 months forbidden relationship and the price was the happiness of his husband.

"No. This is the right way. This is a better choice."

Then he thought about how weak Hyunjin's presence has become. How his smiley husband disappeared slowly from his view. "Hyunjin.."

10 years earlier

"Hyunjin-ah!" Minho called out, running with a bouquet of flowers. Hyunjin turned around only to see Minho sweating. "Hyung! What are you doing?" Changbin scoffed when he saw the flowers. "When are you going to stop sending Hyunjin flowers? I told you to give him something he could eat. Look at this. He's so thin!"

Minho shyly scratched the back of his head and handed the flowers to Hyunjin. "I have to go to Busan on your birthday so I prepared this for you. It's Camellia." The younger accepted his gift and blushed, lifting the bouquet up to his nose. "But.. why camellia? Isn't this expensive?"

Minho coughed and took out a folded paper from his pocket before straightening his back and started to read. "I know you hate pink but.. hear me out. Camellia is elegant and luscious. It reminds me of your actions and your lips. Just like the meaning of the flower, beauty, youth and passion- you give the same strong vibes. But it's mostly because of how beautiful you are in my eyes that is why I chose this flower."

Changbin hissed when Hyunjin slapped his arm out of embarrassment. Because of how flustered he is. "He probably just googled it! Next time give him macarons. Let's go, Jinnie."

Minho watched Changbin drag Hyunjin away. "Hyung! Bye~ goodluck at Busan! And and and thank you!!" Minho chuckled at how Changbin covered Hyunjin's mouth to shut him up.

Knock knock

"Baby. There's desserts outside. You must miss my special macarons." Minho nodded and washed his face thoroughly, making sure to erase his tears or the fact that he cried.

The engaged couple say down silently. Jisung placed three macarons on Minho's plate and poured him a glass of white wine. "Mom and I made these for you. She was really excited when I told her we are getting married soon." Minho just stared at the macarons right infront of him and blinked when he saw tear drops on the desserts. "Babe! Are you that touched that you cried!?" Jisung laughed and wiped Minho's tears. "I'll make them for you everyday okay?"

"No.. no that's okay. I just- I didn't blink fast enough." Minho excused himself and went out to the balcony to get some air. He looked to his side and smiled. If Hyunjin was there, he's definitely sitting next to Minho just painting freely. "Am I this stupid?" Minho asked himself, looking up at the cloudy sky. "Minho? Are you okay?" Jisung snaked his arms around Minho's waist, hugging his fiancé from behind and pressed his ear on his back. "Don't worry, baby. We'll go home soon enough okay?" Jisung whispered.

Minho couldn't sleep a wink that night. He kept thinking about Hyunjin who is all alone in that big house. What if its too cold, what if he forgot to close the doors? There's so many what ifs running in Minho's mind.

The next morning, Minho was shocked to see Jisung already packed up just when he was about to leave and check on his husband. "Are you leaving?" He asked Jisung. His fiancé just giggled and smacked his arm gently. "What do you mean me? We're leaving, silly. There's no need for us to stay here. Wash your face and meet me downstairs okay my future husband?" Jisung left after pecking Minho's lips.


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