Chapter Three - Lunch Date

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"He's just looking out for me as a friend." Hyunjin exclaimed and hid his phone, ignoring the vibrations from Changbin's constant calling. "It's fine, I don't really mind. I'm going back upstairs okay?" Hyunjin nodded and pursed his lips. Minho on the other hand slammed the door close after getting in their room shocking Jisung who was waiting for him. "What the hell? Minho? Are you and Hyunjin fighting?" Minho's ears perked when he heard his lover's voice, concerned voice. "No. Everything's fine. I accidentally closed the door like that. Sorry baby."

Hyunjin continued to paint his masterpiece until he felt drowsy. He took his phone out and checked the time, it was already 4:50 in the morning. 8 days left. Feeling his knees weaken, Hyunjin stood up and didn't bother going up to their bedroom and just laid down on the couch in the veranda.

A few hours passed by and Minho woke up with their video call still on. He could see Jisung sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face. Giving the screen a slight peck, he turned off the call and decided to go down where Hyunjin is. Then he thought about it.. Did Hyunjin come up and saw him and Jisung videocalling?

He bit his inner cheek, nervous. What if Hyunjin doesn't want to sign the papers anymore? Carefully, Minho stepped out to the veranda, Hyunjin's painting is slowly coming together. His head turned and saw his husband's body curled, hugging himself. Minho felt terrible. He couldn't tell what's making him upset. "Hyunjin-ah." Minho shook Hyunjin's body, waking him up but the younger just groaned and curled his body even more.

Minho sighed and shook his head. He couldn't deny that everything Hyunjin does is cute. That's the main reason why he fell for the boy in the first place. "Let's get you to bed." Hyunjin gasped when he felt himself floating up in the air, looking up he saw his husband carrying him in his arms. "Thank you." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around Minho's neck and nuzzled his face on his husband's neck.

"Why are you always saying thank you?" Minho asked as he walked up the stairs. When he reached their bedroom, Minho carefully laid Hyunjin down and took his laptop, shoving it in the drawer right next to the bed.

Hyunjin didn't answer Minho but Minho was waiting for Hyunjin's answer. The room was silent yet Minho's ears are ringing. His heartbeat is too strong right at that moment. Two days of being together and he's shaking for Hyunjin.

Ring ring

Minho blinked and stood up, fishing his phone from his pocket and answered Jisung's call. "Yes?" He looked back at Hyunjin and walked out of the room so he wouldn't disturb his sleeping husband.

"I miss you. When are you coming home? I feel lonely here alone." Minho bit his lip and sighed. "8 more days, Jagiya. We have to make sure Hyunjin signs the papers right?" The other line went silent for a short while. "Okay.. but know your limits okay? No kissing and definitely no sex." Minho nodded as if Jisung could see him and ended the call forgetting to say goodbye.

Hyunjin opened his eyes when he felt Minho's arm around his waist. He could feel his husband's breathing on his nape. Just like before.

"Minho?" Hyunjin turned around to face his husband who is wide awake. "Hm? You told me to act normal." Hyunjin smiled and nodded, cupping his husband's cheek, he buried his face on the crook of Minho's neck and closed his eyes, loving the warm embrace of his husband.

The couple ended up drifting back to sleep and Minho woke up around 12:30 in the afternoon. "Hyunjin-ah, wake up." Minho shook Hyunjin again but when he looked down at Hyunjin's face.. it was pale. His lips doesn't have any color and his cheeks are visibly hollow. "Hyunjin?"

"Hmm..?" Minho sighed in relief when Hyunjin woke up. For some reason he was afraid. Afraid his husband wouldn't open his eyes. "You look sick, Jinnie. We should go to the hospital and get you checked up." Minho was blaming himself. Maybe Hyunjin really did see him and Jisung last night that's why he slept outside. "I'm fine. I want to eat lobster." Hyunjin yawned and stretched his arms upwards.

The couple did go out to eat right by the seaside where there's a seafood restaurant. "Wow! Hyung look! It's so big!" Hyunjin exclaimed, pressing both his palms on the aquarium glass. "Now now, don't touch that. It's probably covered in germs." Minho took both Hyunjin's hands and wiped it with his handkerchief. "Do you want this specific lobster?" The chef asked the two, smiling. "Yes please."

Hyunjin was escorted by Minho. He pulled a chair for him to sit on, he poured him a cold glass of water, he even took a photo for Hyunjin. "Hyunjin-ah. If you're hurting, please tell me so we could go to the hospital okay?" Hyunjin nodded and looked around, giggling at the beach performers dancing for the customers. "Are you listening to me?" Hyunjin smiled and leaned closer to Minho. "I'm fine. Don't be such a worrywart."

"It's just that-" right. Why is he so worried about his soon to be ex husband anyways? He just can't help it. "You're right. There's going to be a festival here for two days. Do you want to join?" Hyunjin immediately nodded. "Ooh! Yes yes! I miss seeing you dance." Minho frowned and flicked his husband's forehead. "I asked you to join, not me."

"Pleassseeeee?" Hyunjin used his pouty lips and batted his lashes. "Ugh. Fine." Minho raised both his hands, surrendering to Hyunjin's aegyo. "Thank you-" Minho covered Hyunjin's mouth. "Don't say thank you again or you won't see me dance."

Their meal arrived and it was like lunch for royalties. Hyunjin immediately picked up the claw and tried his best to crack the hard shell with his tool but he was too weak. "Give it to me, I'll do it for you." Hyunjin watched his husband take the shell of the lobster for him, eyeing his every move. "You've gotten bigger." Hyunjin complimented and accepted the meat he got from Minho. "Of course, I work out. You however have gotten thinner. Have you been eating properly?" Hyunjin shoved the piece of meat in his mouth. "A lot."

Minho couldn't help but notice the buzz of Hyunjin's phone. It rings every 2 minutes and its bothering him. "Aren't you going to pick that up?" He asked Hyunjin who just finished his 5th glass of blue lemonade. "No. It's just Changbin scolding me again." Minho rolled his eyes and looked out to the sea, not realizing his hands turning into tight fists underneath the table.

"Let's go home." Minho coldly said and stood up first. Hyunjin nodded and tried to stand up but failed. He tried again this time he was successful even though his legs feels a little wobbly. "Yeobo! Wait for me." Doing his best, Hyunjin ran and hugged Minho's arm not only to feel his warmth but also to support himself from falling.

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