Tucker doesn't catch on to Sam's sarcasm and replies.

"Me too! That new arcade in the new strip mall next to the new hot dog place looks awesome. And new."

Danny laughs.

"I know. Besides Sam there's nothing wrong with a little *shivers* p-p-progress."

"Yeah, Vlad's new beautification campaign is very progressive." Tucker adds on.

"No. Just progressively worse. Seriously, messing too much with nature can be a dangerous thing."

As Sam says that, the whole area shakes vigorously; like an earthquake is erupting. Danny gasps. A huge crack goes through the ground, revealing tons of plants spouting. Soon a huge venus fly trap emerges and spits out two eyes and a brain. It then transforms into a huge buff plant ghost. It screams.

"Flesh dwellers! You have caused pain to my children once too often. Now you too shall feel pain. The pain of Undergrowth!"

He screams again as he destroys the equipment.

Tucker looks to his friends.

"Anybody got a weed-wacker?"

Undergrowth points to the three as he holds multiple trucks.

"Pitiful human race. Your progress has destroyed acres of my children. Now I shall destroy you to make room for my new offspring!"

"I completely dig where you're coming from, but there are better ways to go about this. Start a non-profit. Organize a petition." Sam suggests.

Undergrowth throws the equipment and destroys half done buildings.

"Or you could destroy things...."

Danny shivers.

"Going g-g-g-g-ghost!"

Danny quickly transforms and flies up to Undergrowth's face.

"Sorry, I don't have much of a green thumb."

He quickly blasts off Undergrowth's arm.

"And now neither do you."

Avine wraps around Sam and Tucker.


Undergrowth's destroyed arm with a trucker heads towards them. He quickly flies over and saves them. He places them down and they then notice Undergrowth quickly re-grow his arm. Danny flies back over and continues to blast off pieces of him.

"Undergrowth huh? Looks to me like you're overgrown."

Danny then blasts off Undergrowth's head. He reattaches it and growls.

"You can't destroy a being who's able to regenerate himself."

He growls as he creates huge venus fly trap to attack Danny. They follow Danny through the city.

Danny then builds up a giant ecto-blast.

"He can't regenerate if he's a pile of ashes!"

But Danny drops the ecto-blast as he starts shivering.


A plants grab Danny. Sam and Tucker are unning away from Undergrowth before being captured as well. 

"Ugh, such limited life forms. Although instant destruction is an option, I feel the replanting would be more....productive."

He releases something from his brain.

"Sleep spores..."

"At least they're full of ginkgo biloba...." Sam remarks before passing out.

Undergrowth laughs.

Danny Phantom X Oc- The OutcastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz