Chapter 11: BRICS

Start from the beginning

Knocking on Germany's front door, he prepared his speech.

"What do you want, America?" Germany sighed.

"Listen, Ger, I'm really sorry for what I did. I was acting childish and I should never have made that ad. I was just... jealous. You're one of my closest allies, and I really want it to stay that way. Please forgive me," America said, his tone full of resentment and sorrow. He held out a bouquet of flowers for Germany to take.

"What's this?" Germany asked.

"A gift, for you," America answered. He knew that something material would help Germany to forgive him.

"I thought you knew me better," Germany mumbled.

"What do you mean? Do you not like the flowers?"

"No, I like them, I just thought you'd get me something more personalized. Something more me."

"Dang it, I didn't think about that," America muttered.

"No worries. Still appreciated, but you should apologize to Poland as well," Germany mentioned.

"Yeah... but before I go, I just want to let you know something. Er, I'm not sure how to say this, but you're one of my closest allies and... I don't know, I guess I'm just jealous of Poland because I think I... developed feelings for you," America stuttered. He hadn't planned this part, he just figured now would be a good time to say this. It wasn't.

"Two confessions in a day from complete opposites. Now all I need is for China to come out of his communist bushes and do the same," Germany sighed, rolling his eyes.

"W-who else confessed?" America worried.

"Russia," Germany admitted. America balled up his fists.

"Of course it's that little bastard orphan with no father figure why I ought to punch his skull in and send him back to the Stone Age..." America went on, but it wouldn't be very nice to Russia if I were to include all that. He said some... bad things.

"You know what I've been through, America. I've been beat up my whole life for my ancestor's actions. What you did didn't help. You were one of the only people I thought I could trust. And don't think I forgive you just because I took your half-hearted gift," Germany said, almost calmly. He then shut the door in America's face.


hey guys!! Brazil wrote to the BRICS group chat. Russia opened the message and tried to type a response, but his fingers were too big. He'd touch at least 6 letters at once, and when he tried to use voice to text it always got butchered because of his Russian accent. He also had such a deep voice that it had a hard time picking up the frequencies, he supposed that was why everybody said he was so quiet, even when he yelled.

What's up? South Africa wrote.

你好! China said.

China, nobody can read traditional Chinese. India said.

Yeah ok tech support. China replied.

based. Brazil wrote.

Where's Russia? He'd usually respond by now. South Africa complained.

He's probably crying like a baby because his fingers are too big for the screen. India said. Russia took offense to that.

You're probably crying right now because an old lady didn't fall for your scam 👵🏼 China said.

Don't act like you aren't an old lady, I bet I could scam you easily right now. India replied.

I'm an old man, use my correct pronouns or I'll cancel you on Twitter. China said.

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