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"Excuse us!"

The cream door slid against its frame with a 'swoosh' noise as it was pushed open, Takemichi peeking into the room with [ Name ] curiously looking over his shoulder from behind him. The curtain was shadowing a figure that can vaguely be seen behind it, someone sitting up and angling their head in their direction.

Walking in, the soft curtains against the window in the back of the room fluttered and the wind chime chirped its usual song, light and outside air filtering into the room to create a tranquil atmosphere. The light that spilled into the room illuminated the dust that bounced around, and as the curtain was pushed open with a loud rushing noise, Draken was revealed in his hospital gown to his visitors.

The TV that was mounted onto the wall of his hospital room echoed loudly, his eyebrow raising in interest as he stared at the two who walked in.


His initial puzzled expression turned into smugness as he grinned, his lips turning upwards, and a small snort being taken in through his nose at the sight of the two.

"Takemichi, [ Name ]. Good to see you two made it out alright," he said.

The welcomed greeting made [ Name ] and Takemichi relax, glad to see he was in such a good mood. [ Name ] gently closed the door behind her to offer the group privacy while Takemichi's footsteps echoed as he approached the bed that Draken was sitting in.

"That's what we should be saying. How are you feeling?" Asked Takemichi as he pulled out the chair beside the bed and sat in it.

[ Name ] walked towards the two before stopping to stare down at the side table, the room and noticing the neatly cut fruit resting beside a note. The pink parchment was familiar to her-- in fact she was certain Emma carried it around in her school bag. Plus, the bunny image drawn on the bottom of it looks like something she would make.

The thought of her visiting made [ Name ] internally smile.

"Never felt better," came Draken's reply to Takemichi's earlier question.

He then found his attention diverting away from Takemichi, his eyes landing on [ Name ]. She was curiously observing his room, and he didn't mind, but he couldn't help but to stare at her hand. His eyebrows scrunched together slightly, the white wrappings that encased her palm sending a bad feeling churning within his stomach.

The night she got stabbed flashed vividly in his mind. He wasn't conscious at the time, but the desperate screams of her name had made him stir. What he saw when he managed to make sense of his surroundings was an image that would never leave his mind. The way the shine of silver caught his eye made his heart drop, and the girl standing protectively in front of the group was one he was familiar with.

How the dark drops of blood fell to the ground were visible in the shadows of the night was heartbreaking. And how she stood so strong and resilient despite being clearly exhausted was admirable. He only regrets that he couldn't help her fight, forced to watch as she took hit after hit against four opponents.

"[ Name ], how's your hand?" He suddenly asked, his face showing no concern even though he had been internally worried over her well-being since that day.

She hummed and looked up, lowering the item in her hands away from her face. It was a pamphlet that held food options that patients could order, and she was curious to see what Draken had been eating for these past few days.

"There's nothing wrong with my hand," she stated confidently with a blank stare. 

Draken 'huh'd' and stared at her incredulously, wondering if she was just trying to act dumb with him or something. And if that were the case, he was clearly not amused as his lips twitched downwards.

𝐘𝐚𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚 - 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐨!𝐬/𝐨Where stories live. Discover now