'I know what you mean.'

Kylie nodded at Halo. 'How is he?'

'Improving—slowly. They say that he's fine but I'm not convinced.'

'He's older.'

'He's not that old! And he's strong. Well, he'll be strong once he's recovered.'

Kylie smiled at her, then she looked past Suriani's shoulder. Suriani turned. Miktar was approaching them.

'So, you're fully bonded,' he said to Kylie, clearly pleased.

Kylie gave a tight nod.

'How is Lew?'


'But well?'

She nodded again. 'He's sleeping.'

'Good. I have hope that you all will be well.' He studied Halo with his intelligent yellow eyes, then looked at Suriani. 'And how do you feel?'

'Normal. Just tired.'

'Great. If you're feeling well, then Halo will be okay.'

The two women watched him as he finished tapping away at Halo's monitor, his handsome face smiling. With a final glance at them all, he said, 'Let me know if you need anything,' then walked away.

Kylie sighed. 'How did this happen? What is the likelihood of all the women in the world that they should choose us?' There was a choke in her voice.

'Oh, Kylie.'

'Don't look guilty. It's not your fault. How is it your fault?'

'It just feels that way. I should be there to protect you.'

Kylie shook her head. 'None of this is your fault—it's the bond. I haven't been there for you either.'

'You shouldn't be. You're the daughter.'

Kylie shook her head again, then looked around the room. 'I wonder what's going to happen now. Are they just going to keep us here? On this ship? What are we supposed to do?'

They both looked over as the door opened. In strode that dark-haired "doctor" and that remarkable woman with the white braids. Suriani and Kylie stared as she went over and sat down on one of the benches.

'She's the only alien female I've seen. I wonder why that is,' Kylie said.

'She's not an alien.'

'What do you mean?'

'She's an ordinary woman who's been dramatically changed by the bonding—that's all.' Kylie frowned in disbelief. 'It's true You haven't been here, listening, seeing it all. I have. She's pregnant and they're all excited about it. Apparently, our species are not supposed to have children.'

'Children.' Kylie looked a little sick. I-I didn't even think about it.' She touched her throat with a shaking hand. 'How could I have not even thought about it? What's wrong with me? Am I an idiot?'

Kylie stood, panicking so much she was shaking. Suriani pulled her back down. 'Don't worry. You're not pregnant.'

'How could you know?'

Suriani nodded over at the woman. 'See that rash around her eye—that's how you know.'

Kylie looked unconvinced.

'Why is that so hard to accept, with everything that's happened to us?'

Suriani didn't dare admit it but she felt a little relieved for her daughter—maybe even a little excited. It had always troubled her that Kylie had so suddenly set her heart against any another relationship—and children. After everything had fallen apart so suddenly with Sabit, she hadn't allowed herself to recover.

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