---Chapter Twenty-One---

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----Chapter Twenty-one----

"You'll always have morons like that, swallowing belief patterns whole so they don't have to think for themselves

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"You'll always have morons like that, swallowing belief patterns whole so they don't have to think for themselves."

- Richard K. Morgan, Altered Carbon

"Your parents had dreams. Sometimes, bargaining is necessary to live the life we yearn for."

That was what the Volturi kings had disclosed to her before she was swept away into the depths of despair. They had belittled her, explaining how her livelihood had been bartered for – easily might I add – in exchange for her parents' wildest dreams.

Bargaining. It was amusing to Eva, how all virtue leaves the table when someone is offered the impossible. Bargaining is for the needy, for the greedy at times, and for those who can't accept rejection. The desperate clawing to a dream, so much so that sense leaves them, abandons them. The hungry will do anything to quench their needs. Her parents were no different.

Her father wasn't always a horrible person. In her early years, in America, he would take her places. He would go for hours driving to calm her down after crying, sometimes even hugging her. Nevertheless, he wasn't the best man. When he had supposedly found out about the prospect of eternal glory, his mind warped to Saturn and back. Greed consumed him, the green-eyed monster became his doppelgänger. Toxic spewed from his lips, poisoning not only the family but his wife, too. When words were incapable of expressing his feelings, bruises would do.

Many nights little Evangeline would pray to God, like the people at her church praised, begging for her daddy to come home. The monster who battered down the front door was no father to her. She prayed for peace, for her family to fix itself. Her family used to be religious; they would obsess over the stories of Adam, Eve, and their garden of Eden. They even named their daughter Evangeline, thinking such an angelic name would repent them of their sins. One daughter with the weight of the world on her shoulders. Should've named her Sisyphus. Eva held more likeness to the Greek founder of earth, forever punished by rolling a boulder up the never-ending hill. Her parents acted as if her existence was to serve her parents, to support them as they plummet into immorality. They never cared about her yet expected her to abandon any sort of childhood to care for them. They were her boulder.

Evangeline had never loved her mother. She wanted to, in fact she romanticised the notion of a loving mother to the point of projecting it. Stockholm syndrome became of her, creating the image of a perfect mother with her own's face. After her parents moved to Italy to barter with the Volturi, her father's disappearance broke Francine Freemond. She would stagger around, grasping any chance to blow her mind into the clouds to cope.

Stellify; Jasper Hale. (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now