---Chapter Six---

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----Chapter Six----

Autumn leaves danced around outside, intimately waltzing with the chilly breeze around them

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Autumn leaves danced around outside, intimately waltzing with the chilly breeze around them. Pumpkins flocked to people's porches, carved, and waiting to light up in the evenings.

October. Evangeline loved this month, not only for its festivities, but the season sprung comfort in her like none other can. She adored the concept of staying in on harsh nights, cozied up with a novel, in a blanket burrito while the candles burned. She didn't experience many peaceful autumns outside of Forks, Washington, so this really felt like a blissful piece of heaven.

Eva decided that crisp early mornings where the leaves crunched under your feet was the perfect antidote to restless sleep, often finding herself wandering in the woods to embrace nature. The deer bounded around, and the fauna made the most of the light before they all got ready for hibernation.

This fine Friday morning was like most others, waking up tired at 4:00 AM to birdsong, putting on some layers and plodding out with a mug of tea in-hand.

Only, it was normal until she came across a dying deer, blood everywhere.

Shocked to the core, Evangeline stumbled over fallen branches and uneven ground to inspect the poor creature further. Its breathing shallow, eyes wide with fear. The human girl felt her heart shattering, whether it be from hopelessness or the familiar puncture marks scattered across the deer's body, she didn't know. Instead of fleeing from the scene, she decided to sit by the head of the deer, alert of any other noises around them. Gently, she cooed at the animal, lifting its head to place in her lap.

Tears streamed down her ivory cheeks, sloping downwards until dripping slightly onto her neck. Evangeline never expected to witness this, something too heart-breaking for most people. Instead of weeping over herself, she stroked the deer's face lightly, tracing its features that weren't adorned with blood.

A few minutes passed, fate slowly allowing the innocent creature to pass to a better realm. Noticing its departure from the present, she gently lay the creature down as she rose, finding some flowers to lay on its side.

You may think that trauma makes people harder, and for Eve it was partially true. She had embodied an isolated, distanced front because she needed to. Inside though, she became soft, in her opinion too soft. As if one small inconvenience would shatter her into inconsolable pieces. Her stony façade tired her so much, but she feared that without it her true feelings and actual being would be too fragile to cope. She felt awful that she cried over a deer, but she knew she couldn't help it. It was a helpless creature, and some creature violated its innocence. She supposed she must've identified with the creature to cry but knew that she was just naturally sensitive to these things that she just couldn't bottle it all up.

She never wanted to cry. It never felt like it resolved anything. 'Crying won't get you anywhere, a woman should always take responsibility for her actions', her mother would accuse. Crying was a sign of weakness, vulnerability, and Eve was sick of feeling powerless and pitiful. She had never felt it was okay to deal with these emotions outwardly, but after realising the torment that sparked from a random animal's death, she couldn't fight her inner demons alone anymore.

Stellify; Jasper Hale. (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now