---Chapter Twelve---

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----Chapter Twelve----

It was the next morning after Eva's Cullen-free day

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It was the next morning after Eva's Cullen-free day. She felt somewhat rested, she had more clarity on how she was to approach everything. Somehow though, even after uncovering one mystery, another pops up. This one only left Evangeline Freemond more perplexed. It was inside her own prison of a mind.

That morning, Jasper Hale had texted the human in hopes of going for a walk. He wished to clear more things up for her, desiring to settle the air between them. He proposed the idea, reassuring her that she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to do; they would stick to a walk and nothing more if she only wanted answers.

Reluctantly, Eve had agreed to have Jasper knock on her door for mid-morning. It was cloudy outside, leaving Eva to bundle herself in layers of fabric. A forest green turtleneck swallowed her chest, accompanied with thick tights and a taupe skirt, concealed in a pecan trench coat.

Evangeline hadn't been sleeping well, and that was obvious to anyone that got even a glimpse of her. Since the weird dissociation walking home the day before, thoughts plagued her head, incessantly swirling in her mind. She didn't bother with covering the fatigue, she just knew that Jasper would notice. The least she could do to feel more normal was to ignore the bruises under her eyes, and for her sake, she prayed that the honey-blonde didn't pay attention either.

Upon tying her boots up, the rapping of the door brought the girl out of her stupor. There, on the porch, stood Jasper Hale with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers the human had ever seen. Dozens of daisies and baby's-breath in his hands, tied off with a pretty silk ribbon. She was so shocked by the surprise appearance of flowers, leaving Jasper to start the conversation.

"Good morning, Eve. I bought you some flowers, I hope you don't mind," he chuckled bashfully, bowing his head towards the blushing girl.

"Thank you, Jasper. Wow. They are my favourites – was it a lucky guess?"

With a Cheshire cat smile, he replied, "well, I saw you painted a lot of flowers, mostly those. I just thought you might want the real deal to look at once in a while."

Eva couldn't help the small smile that erupted from his confession. He was a very attentive man, how he could pick out such minute details that she didn't think he would notice.

"Thank you, give me a second to find a vase, please!" she squeaked out, already running to the kitchen to put the flowers in water, the soft thuds of her shoes echoing throughout the home.

After a few moments, the two started their walk. Eva had politely asked Jasper if they could walk through the main streets, not fond of the possibility of mentally blacking out in a remote setting with the Hale.

The Southern gentleman had kept a respectful distance between himself and the woman he had grown so fond of, lightly grazing her hand when he planned to turn a different way. Eventually, he delicately connected their fingertips, which to his surprise wasn't rejected. Strolling leisurely through the main street roads, the pair made their way to a quiet park, deciding to sit under a lofty oak tree.

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