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Melancholy consumed Evangeline as she slumped through the airport arrival lounge. Her straying eyes wandered the intimate herds of strangers, yearning for someone to rejoice in her presence. Hushed whispers of sweet nothings and the warm touch of fingers brushing against one another rendered the girl hollow, dragging her suitcase and flailing legs to the exit.

If someone were to observe the woman, they would notice the sickly bags drooping down her lower eyelids, bronze hair as frazzled as her demeanour, and if one were to squint, they would even witness the trails of salty water skimming down her cheeks. However, nobody noticed, much to Evangeline's relief. While passers-by enveloped others with affection, she slipped away as if a ghost, off on her endeavour to reconnect with her own ghost of the past. Her estranged aunt.

The arduous trek to Aunt Faye's homestead proved to reduce Evangeline to a mere vessel of consciousness, shoulders sagging as she knocked on the flaking door. The house, a duck-egg blue, average sized family home, resided along the outskirts of Forks. Perhaps, Evangeline wondered, this would become her haven in a world of desolation. Within a canopy of trees, the home appeared comforting, warm lights seeping through the window onto the decking floor. Pulling Evangeline out of her daze, the door swung open.

"Who in the hell decides to interrupt my Sex and the City night- oh! Evangeline?" A woman in her mid-50s peers out the doorway, eyes wide as saucers, trying to come to terms with her niece's sudden appearance and 11:00pm on a random Tuesday night. The girl in question weakly smiled - a grimace Faye remarked - shyly waving her frail fingers around as if she performed a magic trick. "What on Earth are you doing here?"

Unable to form words for fear that her voice cannot find the words, the girl shrugged and motioned to her bags strewn across the porch, "I- it's a... long story Faye."

Looking at the girl in concern, Aunt Faye bustled Evangeline through the foyer, insisting that Sex and the City was not as much of a priority as warming her relative up with a hot chocolate. After many of Eva's refusals, the two females set up in the kitchen with biscuits and drinks, all paralleled with towelling off the girl's sopping wet locks.

Aunt Faye, always the kind soul sat in heavy contemplation of her next words. "I know that you must have come here for more than a catch up, Eva, but obviously you've had quite a time travelling over to me. How 'bout we settle you in upstairs in the guest bedroom, get a good night's shut eye and we can talk in the morning," nodding to herself, Faye sipped her drink. "-Oh, jeez I haven't even cleaned the house! Forgive me, if I knew you were coming, I would've made this place spotless!" Baffled by her aunt's ability to overthink her kindness of giving refuge, Evangeline places her fingers onto Faye's.

"It's already fine Auntie, but if you don't mind, I'll just go to bed. Your hospitality to let me sleep here tonight is enough already" Evangeline assured.

Nimbly collecting her numerous bags onto her weak arms, she trudged up the stairs to the bedroom, or what Faye refers to as her art dump. Peeling the damp layers of clothing off her taut skin, Eva slips under the covers. Memories of the past few months flashed before her eyes, provoking tears to prick and fall. Grounding herself, Eva smoothened the duvet covers around her hands, unfurling her hands and trying to even out her breathing. Intensely examining her surroundings, Eva focuses on how this small, pale room differs greatly from the rooms she used to sleep in. One long window faced West, offering a calming view of the forest around the home. Looking to her left, a dresser lay with the occasional hair product, as well as photos hung on the wall of Faye in her 80s prime. This time it's different, she thought. I can have a fresh start; I'll never have to be like that ever again. While persuading her mind to forget about the past, Evangeline's glossy eyes shutter, eventually rendering her to a dreamless slumber.

Meanwhile, in the Cullen household, Alice receives a vision. Dropping her bags of miscellaneous clothing on the ground, she mumbles.

"She's finally here."


Hi! This is the start of Evangeline's story, and hopefully I'll be cringing at myself less the more I upload these chapters. Eva has a multifaceted character profile, and I can't wait to go through her story with you :) Hope you have a great day xoxo

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