---Chapter Three---

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----Chapter Three----

Please note: near the end of the chapter there is some talk of s/a so if you don't want to read it, skip the section starting & ending with the ***** and I'll have a very brief summary in the notes at the bottom of anything worth noting (not expli...

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Please note: near the end of the chapter there is some talk of s/a so if you don't want to read it, skip the section starting & ending with the ***** and I'll have a very brief summary in the notes at the bottom of anything worth noting (not explicit)

Saturday was a good day for Evangeline. Not only was it the weekend, but she also had plans with Alice to go window shopping. Yes, she caved into the gruelling 7 hours of boredom. It's nice that the Cullen girl was so excited over something so seemingly trivial though. It's an olive branch for a great friendship.

Dressed in a mid-thigh white sundress, cream cardigan and her converse, Eva applied some makeup, so she looked less sleep deprived. All the Cullens look so flawless and poreless, Eva felt as though she should look more presentable in their presences.

She managed to skip eating in the morning because Faye was too busy sleeping in late to force some food down Eva's throat. Sipping a latte in her kitchen, Eva waited for her friend to pick her up. Albeit early in the morning when most teenagers kill to sleep in until noon, the girls decided a time that would allow the shops to be quiet.

A roar of an engine outside her home alerted Eva to leave the house. Quickly grabbing her tote bag as she exited, she noticed Jasper in the driver's seat.

A raspy, "mornin' Evangeline" escaped his lips as she entered the back of the vehicle. The Hale boy waited until she had clicked her seatbelt on to speed down the street like a bat out of hell.

"I thought good old Jasper here would like to come with us today! I hope you don't mind Eva; he needs to get some things. He's a good bag boy though so be sure to make use of that" Alice chirped.

With nothing against the boy's company, Eva nodded, smiling slightly. Maybe she could talk to Jasper a bit more. He has a calming aura about him, something Eva herself craved like a fish to water.

The mall was something the Freemond girl grimaced at. The sheer vastness of overpriced clothing rendered her speechless, having to consciously close the jaw she dropped. Alice claimed that she always came here, so Eva assumed it was a modestly priced mall. È ora di dire addio ai miei risparmi, credo (=It's time to say goodbye to my savings, I guess).

Jasper disappeared when they entered. He had errands to run so Eva didn't mind. What she did mind was Alice paying for everything Eva chose to pick up. The Freemond girl was so used to paying for her own things, her own lifestyle that she didn't want to be seen as a charity case to a new friend. The pixie-haired girl adamantly claimed that she had too much money and would rather Eva use it for things she will wear than letting her own expenditures go down the plughole.

Hours later and four bagsful, the girls met up with Jasper. Alice chucked all of them to Jasper, who pretended to groan at the weight of the bags. Eva pleaded with him to give her some to lessen the burden, but ever the gentleman (and vampire with secret strength) he declined. All of them entered a quaint coffee shop on the outskirts of the shopping centre Evangeline spotted. She feverishly paid the cashier before the others could make her feel more guilty. She bought them all coffees, which they sipped on slowly.

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