---Chapter Two---

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----Chapter Two----

Thursday 18th October. A brisk whirl of the wind flowing through the windows awoke Evangeline from her restless sleep. Peeping through her rustled bedding, she noticed the hushed chirps of the birds echoing through the dawn sky. Great, she thought. It's barely morning and I can't go back to sleep.

Getting ready for a fresh start whilst the earth woke up alongside her allowed Eva to clear her mind, setting manageable goals. Listing out mentally her intentions for the day, she prioritises:

1) Be adopted by an extroverted kid. They always seem to help broaden social circles.

2) Make sure to befriend the librarian. If there's anyone willing to help Evangeline, a librarian has resources to educate and communicate in ways that many others can't. An introvert thing, she supposes.

3) Don't look for trouble. Be unseen, unheard and get by. God knows she's been in too much already.

Finally, the most vital thing Evangeline needed to remember: don't let people know your true reasons for leaving Italy. It'll be catastrophic to resurface her past to others who only just met her. She's moving on. If she wanted to talk about it, she'd get a bloody therapist. No chance.

Furrowed brows scowled at the limited outfit choices in front of her. Eva sighed, tossing on a black chunky cable knit jumper that practically swallowed her arms, complementing it with a pleated brown skirt, tights, and her beat-up converse. Taming her bedhead into a presentable half-up half-down look, Eva trudged downstairs in hopes that caffeine will lighten her mood.

Aunt Faye, always the early bird, flounced around the kitchen preparing breakfast. Light humming along to the radio made Eva smile lightly – Faye tends to sing off-key, but her efforts are much appreciated – as she entered the warm atmosphere.

"Morning sleepyhead! I made you some eggs and bacon, oh and coffee over by the counter!" Faye chirped. "I have to get off to work and open the diner, but make sure to come see me when you finish up school, I'm sure there'll be a lot to gossip about."

Eva, chewing her food slowly, nods. It felt nice that someone would want to chat with her, she could get used to the gentle reminders that someone wants to engage in meaningful conversation with her. Gossip, chit-chat, joking. All long-lost friends to Evangeline yet she welcomed them with awaiting open arms.

An hour later, the Freemond female found herself scurrying through the school grounds to get to the entrance. Acting oblivious in the vain hope that she won't be noticed and approached by the prying eyes, Eva tugged her fingers into her sleeves. Amongst the onlookers stood the Cullen clan. Edward glared at the back of the poor human girl's head as the others tried to decipher her motives. Alice, having already informed the others on the girl's 'mysterious' future involvement with them, bounces her feet around, itching to introduce herself. Jasper not so secretly gazed at Evangeline, mouth ajar like he was desperate for air. His lack of carnal desire for her blood left him breathless, a breath of fresh air he greedily inhaled. Unlike Alice, who already marched up the stairs to meet the girl, he held back. He was scared he would hurt her. This rare feeling of normality around a human must be false; the universe tempting him only to strip it away. A mirage. He can't risk something so destructive.

Edward, upon hearing the Hale's concerns loudly in his mind, patted the latter on the back. He hushed, "If you ever slipped up, we're a clan Jasper. We'd deal with it as a group. Although, from what I've seen through Alice, she seems like a good thing for you. You got to have more faith in yourself. I mean... I keep getting headaches from how much you worry, it's torturous."

Stellify; Jasper Hale. (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now