Mieszko noticed Franciscan in light brown habit - Azelio was wearing lighter clothing, so that giant won't mistake him for another monk - and his eyes overflew with tears.

- Azelio! Zaklinam cię na naszą przyjaźń! Błagam, pomóż mi! Nie pozwól im zabrać mnie do tego piekła! Azelio, pomóż! - he screamed.

All monks became dumbfounded, hearing that giant can talk and turned their attention to young Franciscan, wondering how in the world giant knew his name.

Azelio hearing tearful pleading, knelt down to father Matthew and said:

- Please, do something! They can't do this to him, he's not a plaything!

Old monk didn't even budged - why would he care for a monster?

Hearing one last whimper before giant was gagged, Azelio decided to take action. He ran up to king's vassal, who was leading knights and grabbed him by his forearm.

- You can't do that to him! He's just like us, he can feel and he's not mindless! You are humiliating a human being! It's a sin! - he snarled.

- Him? A human, intelligent being? That's a laugh - vassal replied.

- You classified elves, draves and even goblins as intelligent and human-like beings, what makes him different? - monk asked.

- You're starting to annoy me - knight warned.

- I'm begging you! Have mercy and let him go! Lord said-! - Azelio stopped his pleading, being pierced by vassal's sword. Knight pulled his weapon out of monk's stomach, snorting at the sight of confused Franciscan.

The air became filled with thick silence, everyone was looking how Azelio's body fell down lifelessly. Monks were petrified and sad, knights were looking at it with indifference.

- Mhmp! - muffled cry came from the cage. Mieszko was looking in disbelief how his kind benefactor was dying on his eyes. He heard a loud commotion and saw how others like Azelio were trying to help him, but he doubted they'll save him.

He then heard quiet smirks and saw how knights were making fun of dead monk. Something broke in him and he lost it.

Giant broke out of the cage and menacingly loomed over now cowering knights. He tore gag silencing him apart and let out an ear-splitting roar. He then snatched his friend's murderer and threw him over the monastery's wall.

Knights scattered away from giant in horror, trying to escape his anger. Mieszko was chasing them away, until the last knight left monastery's territory. Then he finally calmed down.

Monks backed away at the sight of the giant kneeling beside Azelio's dead body. Mieszko gently took young Franciscan in his hands and brought him close to his face.

- Azelio nie umieraj, proszę. Jesteś moim jedynym przyjacielem, co ja bez ciebie zrobię? - he said, tears were running down his cheeks.

As soon as large tears splashed on the monk, he began to shift slowly and whispered almost inaudibly:

- Your breath stinks Mieszko...

Franciscans cheered, delighted with the fact that their brother is still alive.


Azelio groaned, feeling strong pain in his abdominal area. He noticed that he was laying in his bed, he tried to get up, but was too weak.

- You should rest, you still didn't regain your strength - familiar voice said.

- Father Matthew, what happened... I don't... - Azelio gasped, having recalled recent events.

- Did they take Mieszko away?! No, I have to save him! He doesn't deserve-! - monk was shushed by old Franciscan. Father Matthew lifted monk up and carried him to the balcony. Azelio wiped his eyes, not believing in what he was seeing.

Mieszko, now wearing clothes sewed of multiple pieces of cloth, bathed and trimmed, was helping Franciscans with renovating the old chapel. Monks didn't seem to be scared, they were treating him like an old friend.

- I don't understand, what's going on here? - Azelio asked. Father Matthew looked ahead and softly smiled.

- You were right Azelio. Mieszko is kind, helpful and sweet. I'm sorry, I was blinded by fear and prejudice. He helped us with treating you, he brought us hard to get herbals, necessary for your remedies. If it wasn't for him, you probably would be meeting Lord now - he said and whistled at the giant, to get his attention.

Mieszko turned around and gasped in happiness, seeing Azelio standing on the balcony. He left his work and dashed to it, grabbing Azelio and hugging him gently to his chest.

- Hi big guy - monk said softly.

- I missed you Azelio - giant said, surprising Franciscan greatly.

- We started to teach him English, he's a smart student - father Matthew explained.

- I see - Azelio replied.

- Mieszko, we should let him rest, his wound is still healing - father Matthew said. Giant brought monk closer, making big eyes, not wanting to let him go.

- I know, I know. But it's not like he's going to be away from you forever - Franciscan reasoned.

Mieszko sighed quietly and having put Azelio back on the balcony, waved his hand at him and went back to renovating chapel.

- Is he staying with us? - monk asked.

- Yes. We owe him a huge debt of gratitude, he basically saved your life. And it would be cruel to separate such good friends - father Matthew said and carried Azelio back to his bed.

- Now rest, otherwise you'll be recovering forever - he said and left young Franciscan alone.

Azelio eagerly went back to sleep, knowing that his friend is safe and accepted by his brothers.

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