11. half sighted

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The stare goes on and Boris' smile becomes a look of concern to me confused at me still. I chuckle and look back forward. Erika now facing Boris asks in her delicious voice "What will you have sweety." Boris hums for a second thinking. "Ooo I will have some of the cannabis tea!" Erika giggles hearing him say that. "Are you sure you don't just want it rolled sweat heart?" Boris hums again "Actually Gray how about you? You want one?" I sit confused as he said it so casually. He truly is a strange one. I never tried cannabis a lot of old people would tell me that it's terrible for you and would say it would make your eyes pop out. Of course I didn't believe them when they said such things but never actually tried any of it for myself. All the bad things I've heard about it ruined any thought I had on the subject, and with strict regulations on the substance it became a thing of private dealings and hush hush secrecy. With no government and me being the only thing close to enforcing anything even remotely governmental there's no legal consequence to whatever choice I make. Come to think of it there is no law except for the laws of whoever makes them. I guess its time for me to wake up and smell the roses and realize I no longer fight for a flag but for people now. It's a shaky realization but it's a realization. Erika hands a cigarette-like roll to Boris people called these "joints". He puts it in his black lips and pops his finger making it turn on its electric blue plasma fire slowly heating up the end with it catching flame. The air fills with a smell somewhat foul. "Wait let me turn something on real quick." Erika flips a switch and immediately a hum emanates from a nearby vent and immediately the air is refreshed with clean air. The foul smell no longer lingers in my coyote nostrils and Erika has a joint in her hand as she has it in her hands pointed to me. I hesitantly take the joint in my hand and examine it around my hand "Y'know you put it in your mouth and you puff." Erika says joking at my reaction to the rolled cannabis. "Sweety you don't have to if its not your poison. Plus it's not THAT good anyway." She smiles at me reassuring me this. I smile and place the end in my lips with a devilish smile. Boris puts his finger on the end and lights it up. The end begins to smoke and I sweat a drop of sweat nervously. I suck in the smoke and it enters my lungs the warm smoke filling the internal cavity of my chest. It doesn't seem to be doing anything at I breath out. "Um are you sure you gave me the right thing?" I ask and Erika answers "yep. I'm quite sure. You just have to wait for it to kick in sweety." I take another puff and relax my body. Soon the bitter smoke crawls throughout my body like a soft feeling of death. It takes over every fiber of my body feeling like my body is vibrating. My body feels like a can of laughs and everything seems much more vibrant. Boris' features pop out beautifully to me as every follicle of his fur becomes one part in a large complex to flesh out what I know as Boris. I look at my hands as I see the beauty of my very being. I am neither man nor beast I am an amalgamation made for war. I am a tool of destruction, built like a gun to do the bidding of whoever pulls my trigger. Is it the guns fault or the mans fault? No I still have choice. No longer am I a gun. I am now my own weapon and my own man. I am the man behind the trigger. I am the beast behind the hunt. I am... my own. The man beside me with curly white hair looks up from the tabletop revealing himself to have a white sheep face with long bangs covering his eyes he looks at me with a drunken expression. "W-wait you blue h-" He coughs "B-Boris you're going to want this!" Boris looks at the sheep and I look at both of them and something seems off about them both. They look similar? I may be grasping at straws and making connections to absolutely nothing but they both look like they could be twins if they weren't completely different hybrids. they both take a look at me for a second and the drunken sheep converses with the baked wolf. The sheep pulls a map out of the local area "T-this map here f-follow the... the gray heart." The sheep then stumbles out of the bar and Boris stares as if nothing just happened. Boris takes the joint away from his mouth and speaks out loud unmoved "Hey Erika?" "Yeah?" Erika says "Who was that guy?" she states "I'm not sure I thought you knew him. He just looks like some hybrid. He ordered a lot of red wine tabs though. Just sucking on the pill not even putting it in water. Strange one too, his tongue was purple but who's to judge I've got what four kidneys and a synthetic liver now? Sheesh I'm the organ fest over here saying a purple tongue is strange. Meh never seen anyone modified like that though." Everything feels fuzzy as I get close to Boris he smiles giggling as he hugs me. "Boris you're really nice you know that right?" He giggles again and I set my head down in his lap. He strokes my fur as I rest on his lap top. "Yeah, you're really cool too Gray. We should probably go see a doctor about your eye, though." I close my eyes and begin to sleep on him "Can't that wait tomorrow, I'm really comfy." He answers me quietly "Sure, Gray."

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