21: The Dispatched Subsidiary

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"Rude, Levi," you say unabashedly. "We're interested in our friend, is that so bad?"

"Do you know anything about him?" Ruth asks, confronting the man that's just as secretive as Robin.

"Hell no." Levi holsters his grips. "I have better things to do than frolic with the nurses."

"Liar," Thea accuses teasingly. "How much do you know about our supervisor, hm?" 

Levi scoffs, glaring at your friend. "What're you getting at?"

"Come on, Levi." Thea lets a proud smile play across her lips. "You chase after her as much as she chases after you—"

"Thea," you interrupt swiftly, to which she shrugs jokingly.

"I do no such thing," Levi gnarls, shifting back against the window frame.

"There's no shame in it, if she helps you!" Oscar speaks earnestly, perhaps from experience. "She makes a good teddy bear, doesn't she?"

"Oscar!" you exclaim.

"The hell?" Levi twitches, almost stunned by his remark. "What does that mean?"

"You know." Oscar makes cool eye contact with the soldier. "Like when you were a kid, you had a teddy bear. It couldn't physically do anything, but it provided comfort." He adjusts his position, moving closer to Ruth. "Though I dunno if you had something like that. Did you?"

"She's a human being," Levi reminds, ignoring the question. "Not a damn stuffed animal. Watch your mouth, Oscar."

"He means it kindly," Ruth counters. "Are you honestly going to tell us our supervisor doesn't provide you comfort?"

Levi pauses, staring down the couple interrogating him. He slouches forward and plants his hands on the stone on either side of his thighs, gripping it to quell his tension. "We're not little kids. Don't ask dumb questions like that."

"Avoiding the question?" Thea asks daringly.

"I'm not going to fall for your taunts," Levi bites back. "You all can mind your own damn business without poking into mine."

"Levi." The staircase creaks as a new guest enters the room, uttering the soldier's name. It's Robin. He moves as quietly as the old floor allows and takes a seat on the floor beside Thea. "You're blunt."

"What?" Levi eyes the newcomer, befuddled by the variety of interrogation techniques being fired at him.

"Be blunt like you always are," Robin orders. "It's easier that way."

Levi's eyes narrow, picking apart his new opponent. "Aren't you the quietest of the nurses? It's hard to take advice about being blunt from you."

"There," Robin congratulates lowly. "You were blunt about me. Do it again, with her."

"Don't tell me what to do," Levi grumbles. "I didn't come here to be mocked. I was just checking on—on you guys. I'll be leaving now."

"So soon?" Thea remarks.

"Be quiet and eat." Levi tosses himself off the windowsill and plummets to the ground, disappearing from view.

"He's impossible," Ruth sighs. "I commend your ability to make him so vulnerable," she says to you.

"Um, thanks." You speak up again, having been mostly quiet throughout the whole argument. "He's kind, really. Just reserved."

"That's a polite way to describe him." Ruth mindlessly counts the planks making up the floor. "If you like him, then I suppose that reserved front doesn't matter to you."

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