21: The Dispatched Subsidiary

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The evening comes and goes uneventfully. Soldiers station themselves on the rooftops of the buildings, keeping watch over the regiment as nightfall approaches. You take field rations up to the second story, where Thea, Ruth, and Oscar are busy talking with each other.

"Hey, guys," you greet as you pass out packaged biscuits. "Where's Robin?"

"I saw him talking with Hange," Thea answers as she points outside the window. "I don't know what about, though."

"Hm." You situate yourself against the wall, unwrapping your own food. "He was asking me about Titans earlier. I think he's interested in learning about them."

"Hange would be a good person to ask, for sure," Thea notes.

"Titans?" Oscar's already chewing as he talks. "Robin's into Titans?"

"I don't think into is the right word," Ruth remarks. "But, indeed, I didn't know he was curious about them."

"Me neither," you say. "He told me it's in his heritage. Have...have any of you guys heard of Kuklo?"

"Kuklo?" Ruth quirks an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Robin mentioned him."

"Kuklo? Absolutely!" Thea seems to be quite the expert on this rumored individual. "He was a bit of an urban legend in Shiganshina when I was growing up. I don't know what's true and what isn't, but apparently he was the son of a Titan."

"That's impossible," Ruth remarks. "Titans don't reproduce. They don't have reproductive organs."

Thea shrugs. "It happened years ago, so I don't think they knew any better back then. He was just a regular kid that was mistaken for Titan offspring after being found in a Titan's stomach. He escaped capture, became a Scout, fell in love—that part is pretty cute, honestly."

"Why'd Robin mention him?" Oscar asks, less interested in this man's backstory.

"I don't know." You silently wish, again, that Levi had waited just a bit longer to summon you back then. "Robin talked about heritage...you think he's related to Kuklo?"

"Did Kuklo have children?" Ruth asks to Thea.

"Some stories say he did," Thea admits. "Some don't. It's a different tale depending on who you ask." She sighs, picking at her bread. "It's not impossible, though. Robin could be a descendant of Kuklo, if Kuklo did actually exist."

"So...is Robin part-Titan?" Oscar asks.

"No," Ruth states. "Because Kuklo wasn't a Titan at all. Weren't you listening?"

"Then why is he interested in them?" Oscar scratches his head, utterly confused.

"We don't know." Ruth nibbles on her biscuit. 

Thea perks up, remembering something. "At camp, he told me he was disappointed when he learned we were leaving from Shiganshina for the 24th Expedition. He wanted to leave from the north side of the Walls, not the south side."

"What's north of us? Besides mountains," Oscar says.

"Dunno," Thea answers. "He's so mysterious. It's impossible to get anything out of him." 

"I'd say we should ask him sometime," you posit. "But he won't tell us anything."

"All we know is he could be a descendant of Kuklo, and that motivated him to go outside the Walls," Ruth summarizes. "Maybe Section Commander Erwin or Hange knows more."


A hiss of wires precedes Levi's arrival in the windowsill, the soldier coming to a halt and perching himself on the stone frame. "You guys talk about the most pointless shit," he chides as he sits on the stonework. 

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