16: A Dialogue With Erwin Smith

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The following morning, you wake up in the women's cabin to the sounds of early risers preparing for the day. You remembered to properly remove your cloak last night before falling asleep, so there was no need for Ruth to remind you again.

Before you can even crawl out of bed, a squad leader enters the cabin and issues a daunting order. "Any nurses stationed under Section Commander Erwin, report to him in the main building immediately! Do not delay!"

Shit. You can't even muster a confirmation, Ruth having to give acknowledgement for the both of you. Erwin wants to see you, almost certainly to speak with you about going to Levi's room. The choice to lie to a superior is approaching, and you're woefully unprepared to fathom it.

Maybe that isn't it. He wants all his nurses, so maybe you're just starting some early morning patrol or something. You can't be sure until you see him, even if the thought sends chills down your spine.

You get ready to go long before Thea or the Baasch sisters, joining Ruth outside the cabin in your quick effort to meet your leader. Oscar stumbles out of the men's cabin immediately, completing your trio.

"What do you think he wants?" Oscar asks as he sidles up beside Ruth, following the women to the main building.

"I don't know," you lie, praying that a deceitful conversation isn't upcoming.

"Perhaps it's for my report." Ruth carries a single sheet of paper filled with some notes she had written up yesterday. "Though I don't know why he needs all of us for that."

"Well, that's what we get for picking Section Commander Erwin," Oscar sighs. "We gotta listen to his strict orders."

"Getting started early is hardly strict." Ruth nudges her partner. "You can handle it."

"Alright, maybe." Oscar plods up the porch stairs and arrives at the entry door, holding it open for you and Ruth.

Inside the sparse mess hall, early risers are preparing food for the regiment or eating on their own. It's still fairly empty, which makes it quite easy to spot the blond section commander. He sits alone, absent of a meal and focused on reading papers before him. It's nerve-wracking to just lay eyes on him, the possibility of your crime uncovered too daunting to ignore.

You let Ruth lead the trio to the section commander, somewhat hiding behind her timidly.

"Section Commander Erwin." Ruth takes a seat directly across from him, unshaken unlike you are.

"Ah, good morning." Erwin scans the faces of his nurses, lingering on yours for a while longer than you would've liked. "Please, you two. Sit down as well."

You and Oscar flank Ruth, Oscar just as shy as you though for entirely different reasons. Erwin's as stoic as ever, bearing an expression that seems ready to pounce on your exposed psyche. "Good morning, Section Commander." It's best to keep up appearances and hide any anxiety. You didn't go to Levi's last night, or ever. Believing in this lie will keep you safe.

"Sir, I have your report." Ruth extends her paper to him.

He takes it, nodding as he looks over her notes. "Thank you. Well done, Ruth. I'm glad I can trust your reliability."

You cringe. Is he taunting you? Is he putting Ruth on this grand display, only to eventually uncover your misbehavior and disparage your actions? Comparing you to Ruth? The notion is a cruel one.

"Did you need something from us?" Oscar asks the question you and him both want to know.

Erwin folds his hand on the counter, taking his sweet time with looking each of you over. You've hardened your expression by the time he examines you again, reflecting his coolness masterfully. "I want to talk with you three about recruitment," he rumbles. "Ruth, I appreciate your early answer. I'd like you all to know that Robin has already accepted enlistment."

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