7: A Return Home, Albeit a Brief One

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You don't return to the hospital for the rest of the day, even though you have plenty of free time to do so. You ensure a boat ride home is still prepared for the day after tomorrow before returning to the inn to pack what you can. It's unnecessarily early to begin packing, but you can't find a better way to spend the time.

The following morning, you're back at the hospital for your final day of duty. It's a little somber, given that most other staff members are leaving tomorrow as well. Everyone continues with their unfettered resolve to work, but the atmosphere seems quieter than usual.

You stop at the receptionist's desk first. "Good morning, Gretel."

"Morning, dearie. Enjoy your day off?" Gretel dips her pen tip in her inkwell.

"Well, you know, I visited my dad's grave. So, that was nice, I guess." You lean against her desk, your dress flowing around your legs.

"I see. Good for you." She continues writing. "Is this your last day?"

"It is. I'll be taking the boat out of here tomorrow morning."

Ruth appears from the hallway, catching wind of the conversation. "You, too?"

"Good morning, Ruth."

"I'll be taking the boat as well. We can go together," Ruth offers as she nears you. "At least to wherever you live. I'm taking it all the way to Ehrmich before heading east to Stohess."

"Yeah, that would be nice. I'm going to Trost."

"Trost, hm?" Ruth takes note of your place of residence. "Then I'll be with you for the journey. Do you know if Thea is coming?"

"Thea?" You're pleased to hear Ruth's interest in her recent friend. The two must've been getting close without you knowing. "She lives just outside Shiganshina, actually. Just on the inner side of Wall Maria."

"I see." The three of you are truly spread out across the Walls, only fate allowing your three paths to intersect. Most volunteers have similarly vast backgrounds and experiences that all converge in this hospital, creating a nice hotbed of variety from different pinpoints of humanity.

"Well, you two have a safe trip," Gretel wishes. "And finish up today strong."

"Yeah, we will." You nod to her and Ruth.

"Let's quit dinking around, then," Ruth encourages. "I've got patients to see, and to say goodbye to."

You part ways with both women, deciding to begin your rounds. You start with Erwin's room, but of course it's empty. Empty of its patient, at least. You find Oscar inside, tugging the used sheets off Erwin's old bed.

"Hey, good morning!" Oscar greets happily.

"Good morning, Oscar." You stand across the bed from him, already helping him undress it. "Are you on your last day here?"

"Yeah. I'll be leaving in the evening, actually." He takes the sheet you hand to him, quickly folding it up.

"Where are you from?" You retrieve the pillow from the head of the bed and give it to him as well.

"Oh, I'm a country boy. I come from Keiski—do you know the place?"

"Mm, not really."

"It's in southeastern Maria. Just a little town near the forest. One of the forests. It's mostly a touristy place, but I was born and raised there." Oscar smiles to himself as he remembers his hometown. "The trees are so pretty. They're huge. Have you ever seen them?"

"Yeah, once or twice." You nod, recalling your few trips to the remarkable forest. "It's certainly an awesome place to visit."

"It is. I'm ready to go back; I missed it during this week." He tucks the bedding under his arm before heading to the door. "What about you?"

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