19: The Night Of The 24th Expedition

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Several days pass. Levi comes with you to the clinic every day, often subjecting himself to a place behind the receptionist desk where he simply watches you and Walter work. Walter provides him tea, and sometimes he lets the soldier clean off exam tables or take payments from patients. Levi enjoys it, though he keeps his delight subdued. You chat with him when you can, but you're mostly occupied with helping clients while he intently spectates.

On the day of your embarkation, you and Levi board the ferry after a pained farewell to Walter. You carry your suitcase, filled sparsely with both your own and Levi's belongings. You two had agreed to share a case out of convenience, neither of you bringing enough to warrant separate luggage. Your horses are with you, the two Scouts taking up a good amount of space on the ferry and drawing a good amount of attention from the other passengers. Levi doesn't care, but you can't block out the quiet murmurs of those surrounding you. It's oppressing, though watching Levi react with pure indifference motivates you to do the same. 

Levi's a much different travel companion than Ruth. He's quiet for most of the journey, unless you discover a conversation topic to engage him in. He constantly skims the landscape and the ferry like he's trying to memorize every location, or like he's on the lookout for assassins. At a village in Maria, you take your horses off the ferry for food and grooming, but that's about the only change of pace you encounter during the journey. You board again, and the boat resumes its course.

By the time Shiganshina District nears, you've already mounted Cyrus at Levi's request. He's atop his own horse, both Scouts ready to set off for headquarters on horseback. You get to leave the ferry first, and you're soon on the shoreline of Shiganshina alongside Levi.

He guides you to headquarters, disinterested in the thoroughfare around him. The roads are tightly packed and difficult to navigate through, slowing your journey and irritating Levi.

You reach headquarters, where two Garrison members let you and the soldier inside the gated courtyard. Thick stone walls enclose you, various doors and gates leading to different areas of the headquarters building. A few Scouts wander the grounds, some of which give a small wave to the newcomers.

After stabling the horses, you enter one of the long corridors of the building, taking in the new space around you. It's almost prison-like, constructed of dismal stonework that lends no warmth. Levi already knows his way around the place, and he quickly leads you down hallways and up staircases on some path he's already memorized.

"Hey—sorry—Levi!" You accidentally bump into a passing Scout as you hurry to catch up with Levi, who has been drifting through the area with no regard for you. "Where are we headed? Shouldn't we check in with Section Commander Erwin?"

"Yes. We're heading to his room." Levi grips the suitcase tightly; he had won the battle of who was going to carry the luggage once the horses were stabled.

"His room? That's a little informal, isn't it?" You pace to keep up with him.

"As if that's ever stopped you," he grumbles, his steps stiff and annoyed. "You've probably changed his hospital bedsheets after you changed his bandages. Did his fucking laundry. Woke him up every morning, hell, probably put him to bed, too. Brought him meals—"

"Levi, for pity's sake, I'm a nurse." Levi's jealousy is outrageous, and you're more concerned than amused over how far he's taking it. "Section Commander Erwin was my patient. He's not the only one I've taken care of like that."

"Tch." Levi's scoff is harsh, punctuated with irritation. That's probably not what you should've said to reassure him, but really, it shouldn't be your job to quell his unwarranted jealousy.

His Wounded Heart Beats For One (Levi x Reader Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें