17: Bidding Farewell, Until Next Time

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The next day passes in a blur. It's the last day of training, though no parting sentiment is shared amongst the soldiers or nurses. It's much less bleak than it was the last day of hospital duty. 

Even training goes by pretty quick. Soldiers split up, and the nurses divide amongst them. You follow, and watch, and do nothing entertaining. Nothing feels important after the decision you've committed.

Yes, you still want to join the regiment. A good night's sleep didn't change that. You reaffirmed as much with Erwin in the morning and had a brief dialogue with Levi shortly after. 

It's mid-afternoon when Commander Keith Shadis announces the dissolvement of the nurses' group. Training has concluded, he declares, and your work is done. The soldiers are busy cleaning up the camp, but the section commanders have come to see you off. 

Your group of six nurses is packed and saddled, the four regiment leaders standing below you. Behind, the path to return to Keiski Village cuts through the forest. You're ready to go. 

"Nurses," Keith begins. "We're grateful for your time here. Your contribution to the regiment has been recognized and appreciated. We're looking forward to those of you that will continue to assist us beyond the Walls." 

"Henrick Lorenz," Erwin immediately speaks up, standing abreast with his commander. "You're the only one that hasn't given an answer. You were told to do so before you leave camp."

Henrick's near the back of the group, almost as though he's trying to stay hidden. His head drops low when he's called out, sheltering himself behind his horse's neck. "I-I know, Section Commander. I'm s-sorry."

"Your decision, then?" Erwin is relentless, disinterested in offering comfort.  

"I-I..." Henrick clutches his reins, averts his gaze, shrugs his shoulders, does anything but answer. "I d-don't—"

"Don't push yourself, Henrick," Thea soothes. "There's no obligation to join. Don't feel pressured."

"Did you feel pressured, Thea?" Ruth, on your side and tethered to Oscar, asks. 

"No," Thea replies. "I chose to join because I want to save lives."

"Oh," you utter. So Thea joined too. You didn't know that previously, but you're aware now. Henrick really is the last to give his choice.

"Henrick," Erwin repeats, stringency painting his voice.

"I—sir, I d-don't think I can," Henrick nearly whispers. "It's t-too much for me."

Erwin nods. "Very well. Five nurses in total, then. That's all I needed to know."

He doesn't need to waste time with cordialness anymore; everybody's already locked in their choice. He's moving on to the next step in his little strategy, leaving you to await orders. 

"It's been a great week, guys!" Hange exclaims. "Thank you all for coming! I'm excited to see you soon!" They dart between the horses, eyeing each passing nurse. "Thea! Keep in touch! We'll have to meet with Lotte some time before our next mission. Henrick, I wish you the best. You're gonna go far, I'm sure."

"Th-thank you."

"Supervisor, the rest of you: prepare yourself. Get ready. We'll see you in a week!"

"Certainly," Ruth affirms. 

"Indeed." Keith takes control of the conversation again. "Go home, now. Train your skills, and brace yourself for what's to come." He stops, examining each one of you. After a low sigh, he proceeds. "Enjoy your days, too. Appreciate what you have now, before it's taken from you."

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