"Yup even I was in love with Jennifer when we got married but I was unaware of that feeling. But she made me realize how important she's for me." Brother Samuel uttered side hugging Jennifer.

"You're looking handsome." She pulled my cheeks and I blushed. "Elena is looking beautiful too. I bet you won't take your eyes off her." She teased and I imagined her in the wedding dress.

Well, she was always beautiful. Beautiful as a doll. But I can't forget what she did to me years ago.

"You love her?" Jennifer asked slowly when everyone started leaving the room. Her voice was slow only audible to me. When everyone left I locked it.

"Of course I do," I spoke but her reaction told me that she was not buying it. I asked further, "Why are you asking me this?"

"Robert appeared concerned for Elena. I've seen the way you act around her. You must love her?" Her question startled me. I respect her a lot but I don't know how to tell her that this is all revenge. Upon learning this fact, she may become upset and decide to cancel the marriage.

I know she likes her a lot but I know how evil Elena is, she'll manipulate her. I won't let her live peacefully after whatever she did to me, She ruined my peace.

"Eric..." I came back to the present when I heard her calling my name.

"Yeah I love her and I'll take care of her. Don't worry." I assured.

"Promise me." I was stunned, not wanting to fake a promise I decided to dodge it. I felt lucky when I heard a knock and instantly ran to open the door to avoid her.

"Come on everyone is waiting for the groom." Said Alaric my nine-year-old nephew. I gave him a charming smile.

"I'm coming," I replied while noticing that he was standing with Ava, my sister.

We all began to walk towards the altar.

"Uncle Eric..." I heard a soft voice behind me and turned around to see Derek. He was being held by Samuel, who happens to be his father and the brother of Alaric and Belle. Derek is my nephew, the youngest of the siblings in boys. I took him in my arms and he gave me sweet kisses on my cheeks.

"Derek come here." Jennifer took him from my arms. "Don't trouble him today. He's getting married." She told him and Derek made a cute face that told how offended he was with the statement, "I'm not troubling him." He argued and we all laughed.

"Okay understood. Now plz let's wait for the bride." She asked him to be quiet and we all waited eagerly for her arrival.

Her hand was linked with Robert's as they walked down the aisle, and my eyes were drawn to her.

She appeared like an angel; stunning and captivating. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Standing before me was a woman with a snow-white face, a petite figure, and cascading brunette hair. I was looking at her as if I'd blink and she would be gone.

The woman appeared anxious as if she was struggling with her thoughts and emotions.

The notary inquired, "Eric Vincent, do you solemnly vow to take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife, to stay together in holy matrimony, to love, honor, comfort, and cherish her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, until death do you part?"

I was registering every word with concentration. I know what I have to do. Without any further delay, I replied.

"I do."

She lowered her gaze after looking at me. No one wants to be in a loveless marriage. Not even her.

"Do you, Elena Smith, take this man to be your husband? Will you live together in matrimony and love, honor, comfort, and care for him in sickness and in health? Will you forsake all others and remain committed to him for as long as you both shall live?"

I looked at her with a smirk when I didn't hear any reply.

It's not your cup of tea Elena Smith.

I looked at her and scoffed at her face. She looked really scared to utter any word. Looking at me she gulped down. I was enjoying every bit of her nervousness.

It angered her when she saw me smirking, "I do." She spoke and my smile faded for some second but either way, it was a win for me.

Now I'll get a chance to torture and torment her for the rest of my life.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

I smiled and saw her licking her dry lips out of nervousness. I pulled her closer from her waist and mumbled slowly in her ears, "Welcome to hell!"

She came closer to my ear, "Don't welcome me in my world darling."

Her words fueled my anger and I gritted my teeth. I cupped her neck and captured her lips in an angry kiss.

I poured all my hatred into it. I liked the taste of her lips; they were soft and delicious. She pushed me away slightly, so I let go and looked at her.

"You still taste so good." I teased licking my lips and she clenched her teeth angrily.

I held her hand and made her wear the ring and she did the same.

Derek was very eager to eat the wedding cake so we cut the cake and gave Derek the first slice, which made him ecstatic.

After the cake distribution, all of us were very tired. Everyone came to their respective rooms so did I.

Upon my arrival, Elena was already present. I immediately went to change in the washroom, while she waited for me to speak since it was our wedding night.

Coming out I noticed she was sitting on the edge of the bed. Lost in some deep thoughts.

I snapped at her, "Where are you lost, darling?"

She stood up, avoiding my gaze when I grabbed her wrist. "Where are you going? Don't you remember it's our wedding night?"

I smirked, and she visibly gulped in fear.

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