Chapter 1 - Solace for Adulterers

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Summary: When Kabir learns of his wife's infidelity, what will he do and how far will he go for Riddhima to stop her sexual vice?

Warning: Rated M for Mature content. Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Angst, Alternate Universe

Disclaimer: I don't own the show.

Author's Note: I have a feeling that the only ones who will be able to relate to this story are people who actually know the pain of infidelity... who have experienced the pain firsthand...

IMPORTANT: This story has disturbing matters and Kabir and Riddhima's dark sides will be revealed, which to you, dear reader, will most likely be "out of character." Please understand that this is not the usual Kabir and Riddhima you all know. You've been warned. In short, whoever can't see or imagine the dark personalities of both Kabir and Riddhima, especially Riddhima, then this written work of art of mine clearly isn't for you. I seemingly now-a-days like writing the dark personalities of fictional characters...

This is about a painful, dysfunctional relationship which includes disgrace and shame. I advise whoever finds this offensive that you go back to the previous page and skip this awfully depressing, disconcerting read. It isn't my intention to bring forth any unpleasant memories through this written work of art.

~Chapter One~

Solace for Adulterers


November 2020

Of course I couldn't disagree to anyone claiming that my wife's beauty was otherworldly. Her beauty was ethereal, and the vision of her perfectly shaped figure was something so forbidden, that in her presence alone, you could drown from the sin of observing her perfection, blessed by the fact that you're alive to witness such flawlessness.

Skin as beautiful as the splendid magnificence of the moon, lips as red as the garnet stone studded in her engagement ring, eyes tinted so deep, hair the colour of fine riches in a merchant's pocket falling down her back in cascading waves, its texture as fine and smooth as silk.

Milk and honey, that's what she was to me.

Milk denoted everything about her. Her elegance, her genteel presence, the refined manners she upheld, the smoothness in her ringing bell-like voice, the shy colour of her skin, it all reminded me of milk.

Honey was for her absolute charm, her innate ability to draw human beings as easily as attracting hungry bees with their jealous stings, ready to penetrate her skin and kill her off with their spiteful venom, wanting to rid the Earth of her unnatural beauty which they were all envious of. Her name, as delicate as how she looks.

Being her husband made me more blessed than anyone else. More lucky than any other man could be. I should feel ecstatic that she belonged to me. I should love her as much as she loves her beauty. I should. But I don't. One thing her beauty didn't account for, was her inner attitude that she kept so well hidden in front of other's wondrous gaze they laid upon her.

Only I knew who she really was. Who that woman was under all those glittering clothes, how she behaved when eyes were turned away, what she was doing behind my back, hidden from the world, I knew her deepest and innermost secrets. Why wouldn't I know? She is my wife, after all... And though she thinks I wouldn't figure it out, she underestimated my sense of intuition. She can't hide anything from me. Ever since I slid that engagement ring on her finger, I've known everything about her. Known all she was capable of doing. The one thing that she was more than capable of doing was something that came so easily to someone as beautiful as her.

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