Away chap 45

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⚠️TW: NONE⚠️

Credits to: Aunna6 thanks for helping me <3

Scarlett pov

It's been a rough couple of weeks ever since we came back from our trip Lizzie has been pretty sick and not feeling great specially in the mornings so right now I'm at target buying some pregnancy tests since at first we thought she had caught a bug in our vacation but now we're thinking otherwise...

I get home and walk up the stairs with the pregnancy test the good thing is that El is at Kendra's house so we don't really have to hide anything right now

I keep walking down the hallway when I hear someone gagging and I immediately run to the bathroom and see Lizzie on her knees throwing up into the toilet

"It's okay baby let it out" I tell her while rubbing her back and holding her hair. She finally stops throwing up and she sits up

"Ughh I feel like shit" she tells me and I smile sadly at her while rubbing her arm

"Welp let's see if I'm actually pregnant" she said while tears wheeled up in her eyes and I hug her while I whisper to her "it's okay whatever it says on that stick doesn't matter I'll be here for you every step no matter the outcome" I tell her and she nodded

She pees on the stick and now we just wait...

"Im so nervous" she tells me and I nod since I'm to nervous to talk. The timer goes off and it's time to look at the test

She flips it around and we finally look and there's two lines which means she's pregnant

"Oh my god baby" I tell her and hug her so hard while she cry's on my shoulder and I rub her back

"I-I im so happy right now" she tells me while looking straight into my eyes "me too baby, me too" I tell her and kiss her hard...

Lizzie's pov

So turns out im not sick im actually pregnant! Scar and I are so happy and we hope Eloise will too right now im pretty nervous about telling her since I really don't want her to think we don't want her anymore because that is totally not true

Right now we are just waiting for her to come back home to tell her and I'm literally about to pee my pants

She finally walks inside the house and looks at us

"Why are you guys sitting there? Did I do something wrong?" She asks

"What no you didn't do anything wrong baby" Scarlett tells her and pats the spot beside her so Eloise goes over and sits

"Alright so mama and I have something to tell you okay? But you're not in any trouble you hear me?" Scarlett says and EL nods

"So Um d-do you remember when we were on vacation and you asked what had happened to moms stomach and we told you she was taking meds for her migraines?" I asked and she nodded once again

"Well it wasn't actually for migraines the truth is mom was getting hormone injections so we could use her eggs and start an IVF process" I told her while she was looking very confused

"B-but that means, what does that mean?" Eloise asks

"Well that means that mama and I wanted to have a baby but as you know we're both girls and sadly the two of us can make a baby but with help of some special doctors we were able to.." Scarlett says

"Wait you were able to? Does that mean what?" El asks once again

"It means mama is pregnant El your going to have a little sibling" Scarlett tells her and I look over at Eloise and she has her mouth opened and her eyes look as if she's about to cry

"El baby this is good okay we will still love you so much nothing has to change it's just a little addition to the family" I tell her

"B-but I thought we were all good like this I thought you guys loved me you will just let me go you guys should've just given me back if you wanted a baby you could've just said so I would've left ages ago I-I omg how could I've been so stupid I actually thought you guys were my forever family" Eloise said half whispering and tears running down her cheeks

"What no El we love you so much that's not what we ment you're"... and I was caught off by Eloise

"NO YOU GUYS DONT LOVE ME YOU WANT TO GET RID OF ME YOU KNOW WHAT ILL JUST MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU" she said while running up the stairs and I look over at Scarlett and I start crying into my hands

After a while we hear steps coming down and we see Eloise with a back pack and tears running down her face while she kept rapidly walking to the front door

"El please I swear I.." and I was caught up by the door closing and I turn around to see Scarlett heavily crying and I start hyperventilating

"Babe Liz you need to breath this is not good for you or for the baby okay? I will look for Eloise it's okay" said Scarlett while she was drawing squares on the palm of my hand

It took a while for me to stop hyperventilating I was really worried for my daughter and all I wanted was her back

"I'm going to call Chris and Robert to help me look for her it's going to be okay" said Scarlett while running her hands through my hair

Eloise's pov

I can't believe I actually fell for their act I'm so damn stupid I should've known this was coming I should've expected it I mean who would want a kid as big as me of course they wanted a baby if their own...
I keep running down the street figuring out we're I want to hide I know that if I go to Kendra's house they'll probably find me since that's the first place they will look and I definitely don't want them to find me

I figure I'm just going to sit on my favorite park I used to come here a lot when I was upset and well I am right now, no one really knows I used to come here only grandpa does but he's busy so he won't know...

Do you think they'll find Eloise?
Will Eloise accept her sibling?
How do you think Eloise actually feels?
Hey guys I know it been a while but I didn't really know what to write about until one of you gave me this idea if you guys have anymore please text me my dms are always open and I'm definitely up for suggestions❤️

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth OlsenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora