Bullying chap 24

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No one's pov

Eloise has been taking her medicine with the help of her moms and thanks to that she doesn't have a cough anymore so her health is all good now physically, but mentally?

Eloise's pov

This past few days have been shit I honestly don't know what I would do if it wasn't for k or Isaac they're kinda the reason why I haven't told mom and mama about all the bullying since I know that If I do I'll have to stop seeing them everyday and I don't want that to happen they're my rock and I can't let them go...

I decided to walk all the way to school since I get bullied there the most it's not that long of a walk just a few blocks away so it's not to bad and it's fall so it's also not too cold but I'm kinda dreading winter since it'll probably be to cold to walk all the way there I guess ill have to figure something out

I finally get to the school and walk in looking for k when I finally find her she's right beside my locker so I guess she was waiting for me

"Hey" I say to her

"Hey did you walk here? You took longer than usual" she says

"Oh um yeah" I tell her

"Why? Are those dudes still bothering you?". Shit

"Oh yeah I guess so but it's no big deal I mean it's fine" I try to reassure her

"El it's not okay if it was you wouldn't be walking all the way here" she said looking straight into my eyes and placing a strand of my hair behind my ear

Holy shit I never really inspected her this good her eyes are just gorgeous and her mouth I kinda want to ki-

"ELOISE" she yells at me

"Huh?" I say to her pulling me back from my day dream thank god I was getting a little to comfortable there it kinda scared me I mean she's my best friend I can't say those things about her she probably thinks I'm the ugliest person alive wich I am but-


"Shit sorry, what were you saying?" I ask her

"Ughh forget about it let's go to class" she says

We walk over to class and sit down I start looking around for Isaac but I don't see him anywhere that's weird, he's always early and if he was sick he would have told us so, where is he ?

"Hey k do you know where Isaac is?" I ask her maybe he told her something

"Nope I was just about to ask you" she said

When we get a call from our group chat I answer it since k and I are together so it doesn't matter

"Guys, guys they're following me help me they want to hit me" Isaac says out of breath sounds like his running

"What, who?" asks k

"Just some guys please help me I'm trying to find a place to hide but there's no where  in between lockers" he said now running faster and you can hear the other guys steps. oh hell no

"Come on we gotta go" k tells me

We immediately start running and looking for Isaac when we finally find him they're hitting him against the lockers god why does no one notice this honestly what the fuck

"HEY STOP IT" said k

"WHY SHOULD WE? HES JUST A STUPID FUCK WHO LIKES GUYS HOW FUCKING EMBARRASSING" he said now punching Isaac harder and I mean it is true he does like guys but there's nothing wrong with that god why is there so many people that are blind sighted

"MAYBE YOURE SO MAD BECAUSE YOU LIKE GUYS TOO YOURE JUST SCARED TO ADMIT IT" I said now more mad than I was before but maybe I should have stayed quite


Holy shit

He grabbed me by the wrists and pinned me against the lockers while another of them started punching me in the stomach. what the hell


I couldn't see Isaac anywhere I really hope he left to get help because this is really hurting like a bitch

"You are worthless and no one loves you, get that into you're head you stupid bitch" he whispered in my ear

I would like to say that from the amount of times I've been said this it would hurt less but the truth is that I just hurts more every time because every time it's a different person and that just makes it more real so if more people tells me that the more people believe I am worthless and no one loves me and with that I believe it too

Finally isaac came back with a teacher


I got up with my stomach killing me this is going to hurt for a good while

We walk into the principals office and the boys are already sitting there

"Kendra Eloise Isaac I would like to know why you guys were  bullying chad and Tyler" so those are they're name's disgusting

Wait hold on did he just say that we were bullying them? Oh hell no

"Why where you guys fighting you know that is prohibited here and it's unacceptable so I will be calling your parents to pick you up you guys a suspended for a week"

I look at chad and he has a smirk on his face how fucking nice I don't even want to cry anymore I'm just really really mad how could they lie and no how could the principal believe them? So fucking stupid

I sit down waiting for who ever is going to pick me up to get here isaac and Kendra already left

"Eloise come on we're going home" said mom looking really mad she grabbed my hand pretty tight and it was actually scaring me what if this is what it took for them to hurt me?

I got into the car and when I sat down my stomach started hurting pretty bad now I really feel like crying so a tear scapes my eyes and mom noticed

"And now you're crying Eloise? This is unvilivable I thought you knew not to hurt people since you already know how being hurt like that feels huh?" Mom says okay that actually really hurt why is she using my past to yell at me maybe I should've never told them anything

"I-" I started to say something but mama cut me of

"Mom is right Eloise we thought you were better im really disappointed in you I never thought that my sweet girl would do something like this" she said looking out the window

"But that's not-" I was cut of again

"ELOISE DONT MAKE IT WORSE" said mom now yelling

Thank god we got home so I can go cry in my room not only because I'm kinda scared of mom and mama but also because my stomach really hurts

"Phone and headphones right now" said mom

"What no, that's not fair" I tried but it just sounded like a whisper

"Was that a protest Eloise?" said mama

And I just shook my head and handed everything to her

I ran upstairs and locked my self in my room how could they act like this? They didn't even let me explain what actually happened they just believed what everyone said maybe they don't love me for real chad was right im worthless and that's why no one loves me.


What do you guys think will happen?

Will Scarlett and Lizzie let eloise explain?

Will it be the same after all the yelling or will eloise loose the trust she had in her moms...



Hope you guys liked this one I wrote it in a rush lol
Anyway love y'all ❤️

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