Run chap 3

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Eloise pov
I figured he forgot to chain me up that's weird he always made sure I couldn't escape. I kept thinking what would happen if I actually did, would he see me? Run after me? Find me ? Either way where would I go if I did run away from here it's not like anybody would care because at the end of the day I don't have anyone not a single person who cares about me...
My leg was still bleeding honestly it hurts like shit and I'm bleeding quite a lot I really don't know what to do to stop it and mark surely won't do anything either.
I glanced at the door to see if it was locked and by the looks of it it's not. Maybe I should run god knows when I will have another uportunyty like this one the only things stoping me is my leg and the fear of mark catching me...
I finally made up my mind this probably will never happen again I need to get out somewhat but here's the thing it's probably about 4 in the afternoon which means mark is awake and walking around the house so I guess I have better chances if I wait till late at night...
About 5 hours had passed or so I think I don't really know this room doesn't have any windows and I obviously don't have a clock I just hope my timing is right. I Glence at the door and I start debating if I should really run considering the status that my leg is in, but honestly all I want is to get the hell out of here I can't take this anymore and even if mark cached me and probably kill me it would be better than staying here.

I started to get up slowly wincing as pain shock from my leg this was defenetly going to be hard. I finally got up and started walking up the stairs I could hear the tv and I hoped marked had fallen asleep while watching...

I opened the door slowly and quietly when I looked to the living room there he was thankfully he was sound asleep but now I gotta figure out how the hell im going to get out of here.

I have 3 options.

the main door but that's way too risky it's practically besides him so I'll have to walk through all the living room and concidering that I was limping it wasn't really smart.

The back door I mean it could work only if it wasn't so loud when it opens I could hear it even when I was in that basement which ment it could wake mark up.

Then the kitchen window I guess it was my safest way out the thing is I'll have to jump over the caounter and then jump out from the window and with my leg I don't know if I can do that quietly...

I stood there for about 5 minutes diciding which way, which way out I was going to take and honestly all my options weren't looking good all of those were pretty risky but I guess the easiest one was the kitchen window.

I stared to slowly walk to the counter wincing of how much my leg hurt and looking down as you could see the drops of blood on the floor and my Jean was just soaked... I really don't know how I'm still standing.

I finally reach the counter I put my hand on it and with all my force y pulled my self up without having to jump,I stand up in the counter and looked to the window and back to mark he was still sound asleep thank god, I looked back and unlocked the window I opened it and it made a slight sound which made mark flinch in his sleep I almost passed out I really thought he had woken up.

I brought my non injured leg out the window and then the other one but When I did that I heard a glass break and shatter, when I looked down I saw all the glass on the floor I then looked up and there he was awake. mark had woken up.

I made eye contact with him and I started shaking but no I need to keep going I needed this to work I looked back to the window and took my other leg out and thats when I hear him yell "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" I freezed I couldn't move or breath I was just frozen "COME BACK HERE RIGHT FUCKING NOW" he yelled again that woke me up from my trance "never" i said and jumped out the window I fell down and winced at the pain in my leg but I knew I had to run.

I started running as fast as I could with my leg even tho I felt the pain crushing through it I had to pull through I couldn't stop now. The back door, I heard the back door open and saw mark there he was standing there.

I Started running faster and faster yelling for help but there was no one, no one heard me... mark started running behind me "IM GOING TO GET YOU" he yelled tears welled up my eyes I couldn't see anything but I still kept going and hearing mark steps behind me while he kept yelling at me to
Come back and that he was going to catch me at some point.

I could hear his steps getting closer and closer my leg was hurting like shit but I couldn't stop not now even tho I could hear him breath behind me I refuse to look back. Tears keeped running down my checks while I still hear mark yelling for me... at this point I don't know if I can get out of this one...
Will Eloise scape mark?
Will he catch her ?
Will somebody listen to Eloise's screams for help? Will they help her?
A/N: hey guys hope you liked this one I literally wrote it at 3 am lol
Hope your having a great day love you all ❤️

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