Eloise chap 27

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no one's pov

Lizzie and Scarlett were sat waiting for the doctor to come give them an update they were getting worried since it was taking a lot of time

Both of them couldn't stop thinking how all of this was their fault, how if they listened to Eloise they could have got to the hospital earlier

Lizzie's pov

I'm shaking and crying I mean how could we be this stupid...

I hear the doors open hoping that the doctor that just came out had an update for us but he didn't he went over to another family and for the looks of it everything was alright since they couldn't stop saying thank you... god I hope this will be us soon

———-3 hours later———-

We've been waiting for what feels like for ever when finally another doctor comes out

"Family of Eloise Olsen-Johansson?" Holy shit.

Scarlett and I immediately stand up and go over to him

"Look guys your daughter had some internal bleeding in her stomach thankfully we were able to stop it but she also had a punctured lung due to the pressure the rib was causing so we had to fix it she'll be okay but the recovery will be long her lung suffered major trauma but with some therapy we hope she'll be able to breath just fine" the doctor explained

"So, she's okay?" Asked Scarlett

"Yes, she's okay" the doctor said

"Oh thank god can we see her?"

Honestly I've never been more happy in my life I'm so grateful she's okay I don't know what I would've done if she didn't make it

"Sure right this way" the doctor said

Scarlett's pov

When the Doctor said that El was okay I was so relieved I don't know what my life would be without her I don't even want to think about it

We walk into the room and I see her lying on the bed connected to a bunch of Wires this breaks my heart I know how scared of hospitals she is this is just not fair at all

I sit down beside her bed and grab her hand while Lizzie plays with her hair

"I can't believe we didn't listen to her" I say to Lizzie

"Me neither" she says now with tears running down her cheeks

It's been about 15 minutes and well it's been the same we're just waiting for Eloise to wake up

I feel someone squeeze my hand and I look up to see Eloise trying to open her eyes

"Mama,mom?" She asks

"Hey baby we're here" I say to her while crying

"Why are you crying?" She asks with her voice raspy and trying to take of her oxygen

"Hey no, no don't take it off" Lizzie says

"I'm sorry" she says now crying

"No no El look at me we are sorry, we should have let you explain what happened we never should've acted like that we're really really sorry baby" I tell her

"It's okay I just want you" she said still crying

"Oh baby we're here we're not leaving okay? Everything it's going to be okay" said Lizzie

Eloise's pov

I know mom and mama were feeling really bad about not listening to me but to be honest that's the last thing I was thinking about all I wanted was cuddles

I tried moving a little bit but that hurt wait what happened to me why am I in the hospital?

"Mom why am I here?" I ask trying not to panic and not letting the memories play in my head it was getting kinda hard to be honest I really really want a hug right now

"Hunny you had to get surgery because your rib punctured your lung that's why you can't take off the oxygen but you also had some internal bleeding in your tummy" mom said running her hand through my hair

"Oh" was all I managed to say I can't believe chad literally sent me to the hospital does he even know what happened do my friends know? I guess I'll worry about that later

"Can I have a hug please?" I asked kinda shy

"Oh come here baby" said mama laying beside me and letting me cuddle up to her so my head was resting on her chest

She started to play with my hair and mom was rubbing my shoulder gently I felt my eyes beginning to drop so I gave in and fell asleep

Lizzie's pov

"I'm so glad our baby is okay" I said trying not to cry again

"Me too babe, me too" said Scarlett while wiping my tears

"What are we going to do about school and those boys?" I asked Scarlett I've been trying not to think about it but we have to talk about it eventually

"How about we think about that later and just let her rest for s little while this past few hours have been crazy" Scarlett said

"Yeah, Okay" I say as I keep playing with my baby's hair

About half an hour later I feel El move a little so I look down and see that she has tears in her eyes

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask her

"It h-hurts" she says you can literally see the pain in her eyes my poor sweet girl

"I'll go call the doctor" Scarlett said while walking out

The doctor just left after giving Eloise more medicine for the pain and I guess it's working since she says she's talking to her friends on her phone

Eloise's pov

I was texting k and Isaac telling them all what happened the past few hours and they both said the wanted to come and visit me

"Hey mom when can I have visitors?" I ask since I really want them both to come

"I'm not sure El you need rest" said mom

"But mom it'll be just k and Isaac pleaseeeee" I asked giving her the eyes I know she can't resist I kinda found that out not that long ago cuz I wanted ice cream and it was actually kinda late and mom wouldn't let me but after I gave her the eyes she let me...

"Alright fine but only for an hour" she said seriously

"Only one hour" I said smiling at her

It was already late and I was kinda tired but I didn't want to sleep alone

Mom was here but mama had left to get some clothes for all of us and I wanted to wait for her but I'm actually really tired even tho I haven't done anything I mean my body does feel like I've just been run over by a truck but still

"Mom can i have cuddles please?" I said

"You know you don't have to ask baby" she said pulling me down on to her chest while humming a song and that just made me even more sleepy so I gave in and fell asleep kinda fast

This was a harddd chapter it took me soooo long and my phone was messing with me so it was really frustrating lol but here it issss also I'm sorry it's kinda late but I did say I would try my best so here it is
Anyway hope you guys liked it love youuu ❤️

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now