Ela had finally broken down, and Alice had let her guard down too. They both had grieved Tristan's loss together, until Ela finally fell asleep on Alice's lap, who had very carefully tucked her in bed, leaving a note beside her so she would not worry once she got up.

"Ela...," Alice corrected herself. "Mother already knew about Tristan!"

Knave gave a small smile as she referred to Ela as, 'mother'. He hugged her. "How are you holding up?"

Alice closed her eyes, letting his presence soak up a little of her grief. "I'll survive."

"You have to!" Knave replied.

Alice looked up at him. "I don't know what I would've done if something happened to you," She said, remembering how helpless she had felt when Knave was almost dying in her arms. "I almost lost you, Knave!" 

"But you didn't," Knave assured. "I am still here!" Alice hugged him tightly.

"I know who gave Tristan the poison!" Mendaline suddenly said, entering her cave.

Alice broke the hug. She had not even realized when her friends had arrived. The witch looked much better now, including Charlie and Maria, however, Alice couldn't bear to look at Mike without tears. He still looked the same, but now where his left hand once used to be, there was nothing. 

Alice felt immense guilt. She had dragged her friends there, and she was the reason they had all been through what they had.

"While you were visiting Ela, Mendaline and the others were trying to find out who compelled Tristan to take such a step." Knave explained.

"Who was it?" Alice asked, trying her best to keep calm.

"What's the guarantee you won't kill the culprit once we tell you?" Mendaline asked.

Alice bit the insides her cheeks. "There is no guarantee," She admitted. "But if you don't tell me, I will find out myself and once I do, it would be very hard to stop me then!"

"Who is it, Charlie?" Knave asked, looking at Charlie, who looked the palest. Mike and Maria who were floating behind him, had their heads down.

Somewhere deep down, Alice was glad Knave could see them again, which meant Mendaline had fully healed. This also meant that Alice could force the answer out of the witch.

Thankfully, she did not need to since Mendaline finally blurted out, "I'll tell you!" 

"Who was it?" Alice asked again.

The witch swallowed. "Luna!"

"What do you mean, she's gone?" Mendaline demanded.

As soon as Mendaline had told Alice that it was her step-sister who had provided the poison to her best friend to sacrifice himself, Alice had rushed out of the cave, not knowing what she was going to do or say, but just wanting to see Luna.

When she had arrived, with the others right behind her, she had found Luna's house door locked.

 Alice had then made her way to Luna's neighbour, an old lady named Joey, who had informed them that Luna had left about an hour ago.

"I mean, she left!" Joey replied, sounding annoyed and half asleep.

"Do you have any idea where she might have gone?" Alice asked.

"Do I look like her PA?" The old woman demanded in a creaky voice. "That girl always kept to herself. I did not even know her name was Luna, until you folks told me," She gave a loud yawn. "Now clear off! You've already ruined my afternoon nap and now I don't want to waste any more time!" The old woman said, slamming the door on their faces.

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